1. Music (Fluff)

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{{Just before we get started, anything in bold in {{double brackets like this}} is an A/N (they will usually if not always be at the top or bottom), anything in italics 'in apostrophes like this,' is what that character is thinking, and anything in bold in <<inequality signs like this>> a POV change, and when there isn't any, it's third person.  Enjoy lovelies~}}

'He's ignoring me,' Leo thought.  The anger boiling up inside of him made Leo feel like he would explode.

Raph had his headphones on and was making toast.  Now, there were a few things wrong with this picture.  First of all, Leo was pissed because even Raph can use the toaster and he can't, and secondly, Raphael hadn't acknowledged Leo's presence yet, and said turtle was standing not 20 feet behind him for three minutes straight. 

"Uh, Leo, are you okay dude?  You look about ready to kill someone. . ." Michelangelo said, keeping a safe distance from his older brother.

Leo didn't shift his gaze as he answered.  "I'm fine," he spat.

"Okaaaaay. . ." Mikey said, taking a few slow steps backwards before quickly slipping out the door.  Leo heard him say something to Donnie about staying out of there.

Leo blocked the rest of their conversation out.  His fists were balled at his side, and his sapphire eyes were staring daggers at his boyfriend from across he kitchen.  They had been dating for almost a month, and up until this past week, they had been doing fine - great, even.  But ever since Donnie upgraded their T-Phones to support mp3 files, all Raph did during the day was listen to music.  He even falls asleep with his headphones on!

Leo huffed loudly, trying to make Raph notice him.  Nothing.  He stepped closer to him and sighed very purposefully.  Again, nothing.  Raph started humming, and the toast popped out, not even burnt.  This pushed Leo over the edge.

"AGH!" Leo yelled as he charged.  Raphael turned around in shock just before Leo tackled him to the ground.  "You're ignoring me!" he shouted at Raph's face.  He ripped Raph's headphones off and threw them across the room.

"Hey!"  Raph started, but he shut up when he realized the fire in Leo's eyes wasn't going away.  He changed his tone.  "Are you okay?" he asked softly, his words laced with concern and his eyes searching Leo's.

"No!" Leo shouted.  Raph moved his hands to hold Leo's waist, just below his bridge, to try to calm him down.

"Babe, calm d-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!  I'm super calm!  Can't you see how calm I am?!" Leo shouted, pounding his left hand once on the ground next to Raph's head.  He gulped.  'Leo has totally lost it,' he thought.

"Leo, you're freakin' me out," Raph stated, trying to stay calm.  His eyes darted from Leo's arm to his face until something wet hit Raph's cheek and he realized Leo was crying.  "Babe-"

"You've been ignoring me all week!" Leo shouted, but this time all his rage was gone and he was just sad.  He collapsed on Raph's plastron and wrapped his arms tightly around Raph's neck and pressed his cheek against it, still sobbing.  "Why don't you love me anymore?"

"Wha- Leo, I-I still love you," Raph replied in shock.  He rubbed Leo's carapace in efforts to comfort his hysterical boyfriend.  "Why do you feel that way?"

"No.  You don't l-love me, y-you love your damn music!" he sobbed.  "Y-Your music is more important to you than me!" he screamed, unable to control himself any longer.

With all his might, Raph sat up and Leo wrapped his legs around the figure holding him up.  "Leo, there's nothing in the world I love more than you," Raph reassured, peering down at the mess leaning on him.

"D-Do you really mean that?" Leo asked, sniffling and rubbing his nose on Raph's shoulder.

Raph tried to ignore the snot on his shoulder and sighed.  "Of course I do, you dork.  I'll always love you."

"But you forgot about me."

"I'd never forget about you," Raph said sternly.  Leo flinched at his change of tone and let out a loud sob.

"But you did!"

He growled, making Leo whimper.  Raph grabbed Leo's chin and brought his face up to his own.  He crashed his lips into Leo's roughly, causing Leo to squeak in surprise.  He felt all his sadness evaporate at that moment.  He moved his lips in Raphael's rhythm, taking note of how perfectly they locked together.  It was also the first real kiss they shared in a week.

Raph pulled away, his cheeks now dotted with Leo's tears.  "I love you," he declared.

Leo nodded, losing himself in the sharp, emerald eyes before him.  "I. . .know," he panted airily.

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