2. Teenagers (Fluff)

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{{Super short, but eehhhh. . . Also, the boys are gonna be a little bit younger in this. . . maybe 13-14? Yeah, just imagine them a little younger. . . yeah}}

Leo and Raph were watching Space Heroes on the couch. Raph wouldn't ever admit it, but he secretly liked the show. He was getting attached to all the characters and officially shipped Captain Ryan and Celestial more than Leo did. Of course, what he liked most was how much Leo loved it. Raph yawned and draped his arm around Leo's shoulders. So smooth.

At the moment, Leo was shoving popcorn into his mouth with a blank expression, so he didn't notice. He was so enticed in the show, it was like nothing else was going on. Raph found his change in character refreshing. Ever since Splinter deemed him leader, he always walked around with his head a little higher and he always spoke with his voice a little deeper. Well, he tried to speak lower, but his voice always cracked, which Raph also found a little bit adorable. Another thing he wouldn't ever admit, except maybe to Leo if the time was right.

When the closing theme played, Leo dropped the popcorn bowl own the ground. "WHAT?! That's it?? And we have to wait a-whole-nother week 'til the next episode???" Leo squeaked. Raph laughed. Leo looked at him with fire in his eyes. "What are you laughing at?"

Raph just looked into his eyes calmly. "You. Duh," he responded as if it was nothing - which it certainly wasn't to Leo. The leader huffed and folded his arms. "And, uh, you get to clean up that mess," Raph added, beginning to stand up.

Leo quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to the couch, keeping his grip on Raph's arm firm. "Where are you going?" he asked, still a little annoyed.

"To get food. You dropped the popcorn," Raph responded coolly, making Leo frown.

"So you're going to leave me alone? Why don't you help me?" he asked sadly, giving his best attempt at puppy dog eyes.

Raph smirked. "Nice try, Fearless." He tried to stand again, but this time when Leo pulled him down, he straddled him so that he couldn't stand up if he tried. "Wh-What are you doing?" he stuttered, swallowing hard. His eyes darted between Leo's sapphire eyes that were uncomfortably close.

"Making you stay," he whispered.

"I could just chuck you off, y'know?"

"But you wouldn't," Leo mused, trailing a finger down the side of Raph's face, while still maintaining eye contact.

Raph exhaled a shaky sigh and stuttered when he spoke. "H-How do you k-know that I w-won't?"

Leo leaned in closer. "Because I know you like this," he said, speaking so softly Raph had to strain to hear him. 'How could he know,' Raph thought frantically. Leo was really close to him. Like, really close. He could kiss him without hardly moving if he wanted to, but Leo beat him to it. His lips were on his in a heartbeat.

"Mm!" Raph complained in shock. Leo laughed but soon reconnected their lips and rested his hands on Raph's shoulders. Once Raph realized Leo wasn't stopping, he closed his eyes and gripped Leo's shell next to his hips. He had day dreamed about kissing his brother, but he never thought it would feel this good. It was sloppy, but still good. He moved his lips in opposition to Leo's and trailed his tongue across his brother's bottom lip.

Leo's lips curled up into a smile and he pulled back. "That was fun," he said. "I've never done that before." Raph just blinked. His eyes were wide and he panted heavily. "Earth to Raph?" Leo waved his hand in front of Raph's face.

"U-Uh, um. . ." Raph tried to formed words as his face turned bright red. "S-Same. . ."

Leo looked shocked. "Really?" He laughed, which pissed Raph off.

"Shut up," he growled. He crashed his lips into Leo's and pulled his head down to deepen the kiss. Leo moved his hand down his brother's plastron and Raph churred. They both pulled back.

"Wh-What was that?" Leo asked unsure, still very inexperienced.

Raph's eyes widened once again. He shook his head. "I. . . don't know." Leo laughed again, making Raph growl again. "But I bet I could make you do it, too," he threatened. Before Leo could argue, he attached his mouth to Leo's neck, sucking and nipping at the sensitive green skin. Leo let out a soft moan.

"Raphie~" he sang. Raph chuckled and bit down hard right above Leo's clavicle, making his older brother let out a long, high-pitched churr. Raph pulled away from Leo's neck and saw that his face was bright pink. "You idiot," he said bitterly.

Raph just smiled, but Leo frowned. He decided he liked it better when he was making Raph moan than the other way around, so he kissed Raph on the lips again. This time, he forced his tongue into his mouth and explored, bumping into Raph's tongue every once in while. Raph didn't complain, he liked the salty taste of popcorn on Leo's lips.

Raph moved one hand up to the back of Leo's neck and pulled him in even closer, and with the other, he kneaded the skin just under Leo's carapace near his butt. Leo moaned, but he didn't want to pull away. He placed both of his hands on Raph's plastron.

"You should watch Crognard with me, Master Spl- EW! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING???"

The two brothers pulled away quickly and Leo got off of Raph faster than Mikey could scream Booyakasha. They were both bright red. Raph shoved his nose in his Modern Ninja magazine, and Leo started kicking at the popcorn on the floor, twiddling his thumbs. "N-Nothing, Mikey," Leo answered uneasily.

"Y-Yeah, we were just, uh, reading," Raph added. Neither one of them turned to look at Mikey, they were too embarrassed. They heard Splinter chuckle.

"Teenagers," he mused as he walked out of the room.

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