18 | Pathetic

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Park Jimin

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Park Jimin

11:45 p.m.

The nurse girl, Heiji kept on texting me quite frequently today, asking if I was doing okay because I kept rejecting her offer to meet up. I knew that she just wanted to give me back the jacket I lent him. I should had just—

*******09 is calling

I recognised the number, it was Heiji. I sighed before answering the call.

She sounded excited when I answered the call. "You finally picked up," she said softly, "Can we meet? I just want to—"

"Give me back the jacket?" I asked. She was surprised that I cut her off from talking so she stopped talking for a few seconds.

Clearing her throat, she said, "Yes."

I sighed. She was making it hard for me. "You know what? Just keep the jacket. It doesn't fit me anymore anyways." I told her and was about to end the call but then I decided to add something, "Or if you don't want it, just throw it away. And from now on, stop contacting me."

I finally ended the call.

Her heart would probably broken after what I said. But that was normal for me. Because I had never really care about people's feelings. I grew up being taught to only prioritise my needs and my aims.

No one matters more than my own needs.


Heiji was left speechless by Jimin's words because she was genuinely excited to meet him. She thought he already considered her as someone he was comfortable with. At least. Because she knew, it would take her a lot of time, effort and trust to make him see her as a friend.

But it didn't go like how she expected.

After he just casually hung up the call without feeling sorry to her, she could feel her heart slowly breaking. It hurts, it really did.

And surprisingly, it was her first time to feel that way. Because Taehyung never did something that would hurt or offend her like Jimin did. Taehyung never made Heiji going through something hurting. Instead, he was the one who would always be there whenever she needs him.

But the difference here was; she couldn't meet Taehyung anymore. They couldn't be meeting each other for a few weeks— or probably months. Not until he caught the most wanted mafias and criminals.

She sat on the chair near her and held her chest. The feeling was unusual. It was weird to feel something hot as if something was burning inside your chest. The way it ached was indescribable.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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