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Khandavaprastha had been transformed into Indraprastha!

Our own army of servants and attendants plodded behind us as we entered the city. And what a city it was....

The bustle of colour that met our eyes was surreal. Kids were laughing in the streets as the adults made way for our contingent. Petals of roses and marigolds rained down on us. In the distant horizon, rose the palace and the kingdom that Maya had built after Arjun and Kanha had razed the forest to the ground.

The palace seemed never-ending.  It was so huge. I still remember the intoxicating smell of a thousand fresh lotuses that roamed free in the air. The palace was a kaleidoscope of blue, gold and white.

"Goodness," Maa murmured, taking in the whole scene. "How did the Pandavas achieve all of this?"

"All of it, my dear," Baba commented, "is due to the valour of the middle son—the one who stayed with us last month. I must say, while all of them are extremely competent men, there is something about Arjun that captivates people."

I smiled at that.

"Stop blushing, Didi."

"Enough, Nihaar." My little brother grinned and turned to wave at the crowd, whose cheers turned deafening as he did so. The women especially squealed and waved his way. And my, sweet brother, appreciating the attention, reciprocated it with a wink. Some girl squeaked loudly. I shook my head. One of these days my brother would cause some of these women to faint.

As we rolled through the city and towards the palace, the houses became even more beautiful and extravagant. Lush shade was offered by the exquisite flora and the scent of jasmine filled the air. I remember laughing with delight, taking in all of this glee. But nothing compared to the glamour and grace of our hosts.

There, dressed in a purest of white silks and gold jewellery, stood Samrath Yudhishtira. And standing behind him, were his younger brothers—all of them were terribly attractive and fierce-looking. All of them were draped in finery and riches.

The Samrath stepped forward to receive my parents as they stepped down from their chariot. They met the new king's smile with gushing warmth.

It was the second-eldest brother, Rajkumar Bheem, who moved forward to receive Nihaar and I but Arjun stepped in front of his elder brother. My heart almost stopped. The prince headed our way, smiling.

"Rajkumar Arjun!" I called out to him, grinning.

He smiled as he stopped before our chariot and held out a hand for me. "Pranaam, Rajkumari Mrinali." He greeted.

I placed my palm in his, the roughness of his fingertips brushing against my skin as I stepped down.

We were only allowed a brief moment before Nihaar engulfed Arjun in a hug.

The archer laughed. "It is wonderful to see you, Nihaar." They made brief conversation before Nihaar moved ahead to greet the other Pandava princes.

"Did you miss me?" I teased as we began walking.

"What is life without you and your clever tongue?" Arjun sighed dramatically, without missing a beat. I chuckled.

"Your new home is beautiful," I remarked.

"Such high compliments today."

"I expect this sort of work from you, Rajkumar."

"Then why compliment me?"

"Well, someone needs to boost your ego every now and then."

"Of course," Arjun smirked as we halted before his family.

Five pairs of eyes watched me. The Pandavas and their mother, Rajmata Kunti, studied me as I stood beside Arjun. Something was expected from me, some show of character.

"To confirm everyone's doubts, I am the girl Arjun keeps blabbing about." I smiled before putting my hands together and bowing slightly.

Raucous laughter met me and Arjun blushed abashedly.

"We were wondering when we would get to meet you, Rajkumari. Welcome to our home!" One of the brothers, Nakul, I assumed (he was the most handsome of the five) stepped forward. On his right, stood Rajkumar Sahadev, bedecked in golden jewellery and other finery. Rajkumar Bheem, as tall and as muscular as the stories told, laughed himself hoarse.

It was Samrath Yudhishtira who then welcomed me formally. And that was the first time I was amidst the Pandava clan. The first of many. But there was only one woman whom I was yet to meet.

Samragyi Draupadi.


The Rajasuya yagna began with as much drama as is expected from any Indian tale. Threats were made and blood was spilled. Everyone was quite alarmed when Kanha's famous Sudarshan Chakra made an appearance to kill his cousin.

And when Kanha pricked his own finger, it was Draupadi who dropped her cold and haughty demeanour and rushed towards him, tearing off a piece of her beautiful sari without thinking twice. Kanha looked at her with great affection as she worked on his finger. And when he called her his sakhi after thanking her, a lump formed in my throat as my eyes searched for Karna's.

I remember meeting his eyes and us gazing at each other with as much affection as Kanha and Draupadi had for each other. I remember my heart bursting with the warmth of our friendship and camaraderie. He smiled his delicate smile my way, curling his lips. We only looked away when the yagna officially began.

Throughout the entire affair, Samrath Yudhishtira seemed ill at ease. Only he appeared to be disturbed by the happenings before the puja had begun. Beside him, sat Draupadi.

After all these years, I cannot seem to find the words to describe her beauty. She was....arresting. A sight to behold. Grace and virtue and strength. She was dressed in the finest silks in all of Aryavarta. Her jewellery was immaculate. Her dark skin glowed under the sunlight and her sari was a gushing red. A living flame, much like the one she poured ghee into at that moment. Here sat a Queen. A Samragyi. Deserving of the title. She was everything the rumours claimed her to be and more!

I will concede, it was surprising to believe that Arjun, even after marrying this woman, had decided to look elsewhere.

What man could look away from her?

The answer would come to me in the following years. Most of them could.

Hello, hello! Here we are, walking into Pandav territory and even dear Kanha's!

What did you think of it? Do let me know!


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