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Things were slightly frigid as Arjun and I melded back into the chaos of the Pandava clan. In order to keep the peace, I went up to my eldest brother-in-law. In the years that I had not seen him, Yudhistira's face had sunk, flashing his jutting cheekbones. His eyes were solemn and wary. Only his composure, neutral and harmless had not changed.

"Jyeshth," I greeted him, touching his feet.

"Sister." He said, warmly.

Rising up, I looked him in the eye and offered him a small smile. "I hope you have been well."

"I have. And you?"

"I can say the same." I chirped.

From the corner of my eye, I could spot the careful expressions on the rest of my family's faces. This was an important moment, indeed.

"Mrinali," the man in front of me breathed, "I hope you can forgive me. I beg a thousand apologies for what I did. I have tried my best to placate Draupadi too. I regret my actions. Any punishment you give me is acceptable."

I was a little shocked by his little speech. I considered it a miracle that Yudhishtira had apologized to me! Some deep, dark part of me hissed at the idea of forgiving everybody because that meant I could not torture Yudhishtira—something that gave me sinister pleasure.

I did want to forgive everybody though.

I exhaled sharply and took in a careful breath, mulling under the watchful eyes of the family. The air I had breathed in was sweet and exquisite. Flowers. The scent was almost intoxicating.


Oh well, it did not make sense to hold it over him for the rest of our long, long lives.

I glanced Draupadi's way. Her face was decidedly neutral apart from the firm press of her lips in a straight line. I remember wondering whether she was upset or not. Her feelings would influence my decision. I remember feeling dismayed when I could not decipher her emotions.

Looking at my eldest brother-in-law, I gave my verdict. "If Draupadi can find it in her to forgive you, as shall I. I hope these years in exile have been punishment enough, Samrath."

What happened next was nothing short of a miracle. Yudhishtira's gave me the most pained look he could muster—the only look of such despair he would express for the rest of his life—and managed, "They have."

With that, we concluded our (my) animosity and the entire family barraged into the hut for a hot meal. We ate together, as a family, who had suffered intensely. I sat between Bheem and Yudhisthira and happily devoured the food. Draupadi sat between the Sahdev and Arjun.

Chatter threaded through the entire meal. I told them all about mine and Arjun's exploits. Then Nakul and Bheem burst into stories about their time in the forest as well. The time Bheem met Hanuman. We smiled through it all. Everyone was sitting together even after the food was over.

Yudhishtira told us about all the sages they had met and what they had taught them all. Sahdev very kindly pointed out that a lot of their philosophies were contradictory. The eldest brother glared at him while the rest of us burst out laughing.

We were all still in the mood for conversation when there was a knock on the door.

In a flash, the men grabbed their weapons.

"Who's there?" Draupadi called out.

"It's me, Krishnaa!"

Kanha. We gave him a warm welcome. His eyes brightened upon seeing Arjun and I.

"Well, welcome back, you two!" He gushed, embracing us.

Arjun, already glowing after reuniting with his family, glowed even more. The two of them reverted to a private, amicable conversation of their own. Everyone returned to what we were doing earlier too.

Once that died down, Kanha asked us to sit down to discuss the future. The trajectory for the last year. One year of agyaatvaas. If the Pandavas were caught...

We would go into exile again.

Everybody mulled over the issue. Theories were presented and improved upon. Disguises were discussed. The anxiety in the air was palpable. Finally, Krishna stroked his finger under his chin and said, "Matsya, the kingdom of Virat, is the best place to hide."

An elaborate discussion ensued. With everyone's suggestions and rebuttal, we came up with an air-tight plan. When everything had been finalized, we were all looking weary. Resolute in our convictions and plans but weary. So we all dispatched to find our own moments of peace. It would not be long before the thirteenth year commenced. Just a matter of days.

I stayed with Draupadi as the brothers spent time together. The moment the men left, her gentle and docile expression dissolved into a hard one. My face turned too.

"How are you?" I asked.

"As good as I can be."


My sister's dark eyes slow slid towards me and held my gaze. Unflinching. "Indeed."

The fire in her had not gone out. I was grateful for that. It was still smoldering.

"Revenge must be exacted, Didi. Dishonour for dishonour, insults for insults. This is the only way." Draupadi resolved.

"Well, I cursed the lot of them, didn't I? We will see it through. We will prevail." I reached out and held her hand. She gripped mine tightly.

Our hold on each other did not falter for a single breath.


Arjun and I took a stroll in the forest. A long one.

This was the last day before we left for Matsya.

We had been walking in silence. The emerald foliage was buzzing with life. The sounds were soft and soothing. Squirrels occasionally crossed our path.

I concentrated on the soil and sighed. As did Arjun.

"Are you ready?" Arjun mumbled.

"Are you?" I smirked, knowingly.

Arjun groaned and I laughed, openly and heartily.

Brihanalla. His disguise for the thirteenth year. Arjun had complained and whined. Unfortunately, Kanha would have none of it.

One should, as per Kanha, make the best out of their circumstances. Including curses. Much to Arjun's dismay and everyone else's delight.

My laughter did not stop.

"Oh, you..." Arjun muttered and silenced me, crossing the distance between us.


I return from one new year greeting to another. Happy new year to you all! Let's hope 2023 is a much better year for all of us, including Natyam!

Tell me, how have you been?
What do you think of the development?

Do let me know!


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