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I was introduced to the bond between Arjun and Kanha for the first time at Indraprastha. The two chatted amiably as though they'd been friends for ages.
Their relationship seemed even better than mine and Kanha's. For I was certain I had known him longer.

When I had first met him, he was a young man, alert and sprightly and yet, there was a certain ease in his nature. I remember him in his quintessential golden dhoti, speckled with bits of mud after the legendary duel in Mathura. Even back then, a peacock feather fluttered over his brow. His magnanimous smile had not changed over the years.

Kanha, as we all know, was much unlike the others. His voice was firm yet lilting. His face, attractive. His manners were polite and impeccable. And as far as I know, no one apart from his immediately family(only on rare occasions), has been able to deny his mischievous smile! And while I adored and respected Kanha, I adored and respected Balram Dau too!

So you can imagine my disappointment when he didn't attend the ceremony.

"I am terribly sorry, sister," Kanha smiled. "I know you wanted to see Dau. But I suppose, you will have to make do with me." He sighed dramatically.

Arjun and I both smiled.

"It's all right, Kanha. I can certainly make do with you." I winked, making him laugh.

Arjun took our leave as his eldest brother called for him.

As he left, I asked Krishna, "How is your finger?"

"When your own sakhi is there to heal the wound, everything feels pleasant." He sighed, grinning.

"Ever the dramatic, Kanha." I rolled my eyes.

He shushed me. "You enjoy it and you know it."

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

"Rumour has it that a certain warrior prince sings your praises incessantly. Apparently, he is madly in love." Kanha confessed in his usual beguiling manner.

My eyebrows folded together. I remember how my heart had stopped back then. My young heart–breathless and impatient. There is a certain rush that everyone experiences in their youth, without exception. And it is the rush of falling in love. Or at least what we know it to be. And I was no exception. Except, my youthful heart burned with worry and confusion.

"How can he, even after being with Draupadi?" I questioned.

Kanha laughed. The way he laughed always made me feel foolish. In front of him, I was always the young girl facing a man who seemed to be as ancient as time.

"Love, sister, has nothing to do with what pleases the eyes. Although, no one can argue that you aren't easy on the eyes now, can they?" He grinned and walked away, leaving me writhing and slightly flustered.


I bumped into Karna as I walked back to our chambers after having spent the entire afternoon in Arjun's company.

His calm eyes were in an uproar as he waited for me at the entrance of my chambers.

"This whole place is madness. I never should have come here. She's been looking at me all day!" He hissed.

"Well, the day isn't over yet. And who is this mysterious she?"


I stopped in my tracks. "What?"

Karna folded his arms and simply stared at me. Silence reigned over us as we continued to look at each other.

Draupadi staring at Karna....
The thought made me shudder. And what her actions could imply made the thought even more shudder-worthy.

"Are you sure you're not being...delusional?"

Karna let out an irritated squawk of protest. "How could I possibly have misread this?"

To be honest, there were plenty of ways but I would not tell him that.

"Walk with me. Are you absolutely sure?"

Karna's pace was not leisurely and I had to increase my own to keep up. The archer nodded, answering my question.

"The family is hosting an evening gala tonight." Karna breathed as we stopped before my door. "Keep an eye out and tell me what you see. I am sure she will look at me during this event as well."


Hello! Apologies for not uploading a chapter last week. I totally forgot lmao.
This is a short one. But I'm uploading the next one as a bonus. Enjoy!


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