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Somewhere, vaguely, I remember sensing the guards at the sabha preventing me from entering. But all I could see was my beloved sister. Menstruating. Sari almost undone. Praying and screaming.

All I could hear was roaring in my ears. Rage filled my head.

"I command you to get out of my way." I snarled at the guards, tearing my gaze away from Draupadi and glaring at them.

Their eyes lowered but their weapons were still held out in resistance.

Dushasan neared Panchali amd began tugging at her sari. My heart burst into flames at his expression.

"If you do not let me through this instant, I will make sure all your names are dragged through the mud when I tell your neighbours about the adharma you have participated in today."

Immediately, they let me pass.

I ran, across the little corridor and into the main hall. But here I was halted again.

Draupadi's sari went on and on. She prayed as Dushasan pulled. And the sari, by some miracle, kept multiplying itself. Miles of sari were tugged upon and it didn't end.

The whole sabha watched, flabbergasted.

Through the corner of my eyes, I saw my family, kneeling, stripped off of their crowns and gold. Eyes lowered in shame. I saw Arjun, down on his knees. Unable to look up for I was sure he had sensed my arrival.

Everyone had.

A woman had just walked into the sabha.

It was just then Duryodhan, appalled by the length of Panchali's sari, noticed me. Eyes aflame, he marched up to me. I met him head on.

"What do you think you are doing here?"

I raised a brow. "Saving my sister from your brute ways, you demon."

He guffawed. "You dear wretched sister-in-law is my slave." He spoke in a low tone. "Just like your husband is my slave, Mrinali. By that logic even you are my slave, Mrinali. And slaves bow."

With that, this prince of insecurities, reached for the crown that was nestled on my head.

I ducked and then raised my hand to strike his face.

There was a resounding thwack as the back of my palm hit his face. The sabha came to a still. Even Dushasan had stopped tugging.

Duryodhan was so shocked that I had hit him, he was frozen in place for a while, fury creeping over his features.

"I," I haughtily cocked my head, turning it to the side as I spoke, "am Rajkumari Mrinali, princess of Vrikesh and Indraprastha; and if anybody, anybody tries to dishonour me, I punish them." I thundered. "Are we clear, Duryodhan?"


"Are. We. Clear?"

He came for me. "Why, you little...!"

Two steps before he could grab me, a hand curled around his wrist. Duryodhan whirled around to see who had stopped him. Even I lifted my eyes up to see who had interfered.

It was Karna. The look Duryodhan gave him....

I had never seen what betrayal looked like on a person's face. That day I did.

Twice shocked, Duryodhan, watched his friend, mouth agape. He had just been hit by a woman and then been interrupted by his greatest friend. I'd never seen anything so entertaining.

Karna's gaze shifted from him to rest on me. I observed him. But all I could remember were the words he spoke about Draupadi as reported by the maids. She is a harlot. She deserves this. The words rang in my head.

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