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The following weeks have remained the same, if not better. For a moment it felt like they where actually going to be able to get through this, that is until Anna woke up to and empty bed.
"Billie??" She says.
There is no answer and that sends her into a panic. So she runs downstairs shouting Billie's name over and over again.
"BILLIE!" she screams but there is still no response.
Maggie's head shoots up from the magazine she was reading, "she isn't with you? I haven't seen her." Maggie says. The fear in her eyes is so strong it's painful.
"Shit!" Anna shouts and looks out the door to see that her car is gone.
"She's not here! Someone call 911 I have a bad feeling about this!" Anna says then grabs her own keys to go looking for her.
Maggie calls 911, thankfully there is a tracker on Billie's car so hopefully the authorities will be able to find her.
After she calls 911 she calls Finneas, "have you seen Billie? She's not here." She says
"No I haven't, has Anna seen her?" He asks
"No, she just went out looking for her. Her car is gone! Finneas go! I need you to find my baby!" Maggie shouts as she starts to cry.
Finneas hangs up and goes to look for his little sister, He grips the steering wheel so hard his hands form blisters.
Anna remembers a drawing she's seen in Billie's journal, it's a lake at a near by park surrounded with trees. The images she drew along with the park where never happy and that made Anna worry even more. She speeds over to the park, not caring if she causes an accident or gets a ticket. When she arrives, Anna sees ambulances and cop cars, her heart sinks and dread feels her soul. She quickly gets out of her car,
"SOMEONE HELP HER!" A unfamiliar voice shouts.
This was the last thing she wanted to see.
"HURRY THE FUCK UP AND WAKE HER!!" The unfamiliar voice shouts again.
Anna runs over to the scene, "what's going on?!" She asks, trying to push her way through the commotion.
"Please let us do our job, we are taking her to the hospital." An officer tells her.
Out of the corner of her eye Anna sees Billie on the stretcher with a tube down her throat, her body looking lifeless.
The unfamiliar voice turns out to be a girl around the same age as her, after looking closer Anna sees she is wearing a shirt with Billie's face on it.
Anna looks at her looking for an answer but not having the words to ask.
"I... I was going to this spot.... And I.... I saw Billie and she wasn't breathing and there where pills and vodka and blood.... I panicked and called 911..." the girl cries uncontrollably.
Anna hugs her, "she'll be okay, let's go to the hospital. You can come with me if you want"
"You know her?" The girl asks.
"Yea, I'm Anna. her girlfriend." She says
"Oh..I'm Karissa. I'll go with you." The girl says. She usually wouldn't just get in the car with a stranger but she spent years idolizing Billie and felt as if she knew her and her family personally.
They get into Anna's car and rush to the hospital and Billie's family is already there.
Inside the building outside Billie's hospital room the girls keep hearing "no pulse."
they try again and then "no pulse" is shouted again.
"No no no!" Anna cries. "Stay the fuck here." She tells Karissa.
Anna eyes a few bottles of pills that where carelessly left on a counter and she figures it's a sign, if Billie left the world she has to as well.
There is a bath in the hospital and she knows where it is from Billie's last time here. She fills up the tub and starts taking the pills.
She grabs a napkin and writes,

"Leaving this universe to be with her forever."

Then sets it away from the tub and steps in.
She takes them all, hoping to awaken with Billie in paradise.
Little does she know that as her pulse stops and she drifts away from conciseness someone from Billie's hospital room shouts,
"We found a pulse! I repeat there's a pulse!"
Billie was going to be okay and Anna would never know because it was too late.  While there was a team of doctors and nurses celebrating bringing Billie back, there was another team placing the white sheet over Anna's head and wheeling her off to the morgue.

If only she waited a few more minutes.

When Billie opens her eyes she sees Karissa by her side instead of Anna because Anna's eyes will never open again.
"Who are you?" Billie asks as she wakes up.
"I was the one who found you and called 911, my name is Karissa." She says.
"Where's Anna?" Billie asks.
Everyone else knows where she is but they don't know how to tell Billie.
"Billie, we have some bad news for you..." Maggie says bending down to hold Billie's hand and explains what happens,
"They couldn't find a pulse in you for a little while, Anna thought you where gone and wanted to be with you... she.... was found in a tub and they couldn't bring her back." Maggie says and cries.
"She's gone? She's dead?" Billie asks...
Maggie nods her head yes...
Billie stares at the wall, completely numb and in shock as she whispers
"She's gone."
I guess you could say the normalcy they where beginning to find  was too good to be true.

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