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Seeing Muichiro, I said:

"I won't take your energy from you, since this is just training, but in battle I could take all the enemy's energy in literally 20 minutes if the enemy does not wake up during this time or I do not kill them earlier than 20 minutes, now concentrate on the slightest rustles outside of the dream, and you can escape the dream~"

Muichiro nodded and concentrated. At one point he disappeared from dimension, he managed to wake up, I left his dream too. When I was next to Muichiro again, I noticed that he clearly felt more cheerful. It was already about 6 pm, we trained from the early morning.
It remains for me to show the last technique. 

"Phew. Well, my last technique. You've already seen my fourth form, "Delta Sleep". After that we should rest. The fifth form is called "Deep Sleep". This is the slowest sleep phase. With this attack I also take away  energy of the opponent, but much slower. My body fully recovers due to the energy taken from the enemy. In addition to strength, this attack takes not only energy, my immunity is strengthened, and allows me to look good and be calmer~ Lasts about 40 minutes. If the enemy is awakened, they will certainly want to get some more sleep. Now I will demonstrate this attack."

Standing in the right position, I closed my eyes and said:

"Dream breathing, Fifth form: Deep sleep."

And then Muichiro fell asleep once again. I was already tired and exhausted, back and forth, from dream to dream. I decided not to move into his sleep, but simply to make it so that he only heard my voice.

"Muichiro, I decided not to enter your dream this time, I'm too tired. But you won't be in your dream for a long time, I will physically wake you up now so you can see how you feel after you wake up."  I said.

When I finished speaking, I put my hand on his shoulder and began to shake him gently.  Muichiro opened his eyes and looked at me wearily. 

"Huh..? What..? Can I get some more sleep..?"  He asked in a sleepy voice. 

"Let's go home, for and rest..." I said. 

Barely getting on my feet, I took Muichiro's hand and began to drag him home.

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