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Muichiro offered to take a break and then asked:

"This is the first time we train, and you are already using the sixth form..?"

"This technique I invented recently, so it is rather weak, at the level of the second form" I replied.

After a short break, we again took up our positions and were ready for battle. He attacked first again. This time his attack was much more powerful, the mist was much thicker.

"Dream breathing, fourth form: Delta sleep."

My attacks were unusual, they could carry the enemy and me into a kind of second dimension, which could be called their "dream", since in reality the enemy fell asleep from my attacks, but could continue the battle in the second dimension. 

Attack "Delta-sleep" as a kind of deep sleep phase that can last a maximum of about 40 minutes, I could leave this space together with the enemy only in emergency situations. This attack is shorter in the morning than at night. In this phase, it is impossible for the enemy to wake up, only if I pull them out of the sleep.

If I still pull the enemy out of this dimension during this attack, they will be confused: they will not be able to immediately navigate where they are and what is happening. At this stage of the sleep, they may have a nightmare in this dimension, but in reality (outside of the dimension) talkativeness in a dream and sleepwalking may appear.

Muichiro never ended up attacking me, so I confidently drifted into his dream.  He stood and looked around, his dream was already formulated, he stood in a forest and looked at some kind of people.  These people were his parents, they stood and looked at the moon, since the setting was a night forest.

Muichiro started to run to his parents, as soon as he wanted to touch his mother, his hand slipped through her. They were an illusion, he started to panic and received hysteria, but then he noticed that they were looking at the moon...

Looking up at the moon, he widened his eyes when he saw me flying towards him at my full speed. I was inches from him, and so I was about to cut off his head, as I pulled us out of his dream. He woke up and did not understand what had happened, I sat down next to him and hugged him.

"What was that..? What happened..?"  He asked, hugging me back. 

"I'll tell you, don't worry..."

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