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𝑰 pulled my blanket over my head as my maid Anne pulled my bed curtains open already with maids to dress me and get me ready.

« Up up Madmoiselle, we don't have all day. » She says making me groan hugging mops, my pug, who was laying next to me.

« If you'd rather wait until it's too late that's fine but if you look like a poor harlot that's on you. »

« Alright Madame. » I dragged myself out of bed, mops jumping down next to me, before putting my arms up as my maids changed my chemise and put the rest of my clothes on.

«Good Morning Your Royal Highness » The maids curtesy as I sit down.

« Good Morning » I yawn as they start to do my hair and make up.

« Tante Thèrése » My niece yells before running towards the chair I'm sitting on her dog Mignon following.

« Adelaïde slow down or you'll run against a maid and ruin her hair. » Marie Helene yells after her.

« Apologies Maman » She slows down to a jog which turns into a fast run again.

« Isn't it exciting? I'm sure you're going to marry a king and become a rich queen with many pretty dresses, diamond and pearls and many pretty children. » She says dreamingly.

« Oh I do hope so. » I smile taking her hand

« Oh with your beauty you do not need to hope.  I wish I was as beautiful as you. »

« Oh you are way more beautiful. With your beauty you're going to be an empress »

« You think so? » She asks excitedly

« I know so » I press a kiss onto her hand.

« Oh I can't wait » She jumps up an down.

« She is even more excited than you are » My sister walks to us chuckling.

« Come on Darling, it is time to eat »

« Can I eat those sweet papers with chocolate again? »

« Papers? » I ask confused

« Crêpes » Helene smiles « Francois told her it is paper. »

« Of course he did » I mutter
« Ooh they really are delicious. Bon appétit ChouChou» I give her a kiss on the hand.

« Merci » She curtsies before skipping away. I wince as she trips but gets up fast saying « I am alright » before turning around and continuing making my sister chuckle walking out as the maid closes the door.


« Pardon » I run into a woman.

« Oh do not worry, it was not your fault. » She smiles at me.
« I do not think I know you. I am Daphne Basset, the duchess of Hastings. »

« Oh no I am not from here. Marie Thèrése d'Artois. It's a pleasure to meet you. » I say as her eyes widen a bit.

« Oh your royal highness pardon I did not know. »

« Oh get up your Grace.»

«Your dress is lovely.»

«Oh thank you. If you like it I hope some dukes  will as well.» I laugh nervously.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒱𝒾𝓈𝒸ℴ𝓊𝓃𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝒹 ℐ | 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now