The Wedding

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Agatha tried to wait patiently at the doors, where they would all exit to get to the main entrance to walk down the aisle. Tedros and most of the other boys, including Hort, Bogden (the ring bearer), Willam, and the other groomsmen, had a separate entrance room to get there. Agatha was with Sophie, her bridesmaids, and Nicola.

Agatha paced back and forth. Sophie joined her. " I heard they are starting." Sophie said.

Agatha smiled. "I'm going out soon, are you ready?" Sophie asked, taking Agatha's hands.

"Yes." Agatha answered.

Professor Anemone walked in. "Bridesmaids, Nicola, Sophie? It's time to line up. Professor Manley is gathering the boys. Come on." She announced and walked out.

Sophie hugged Agatha one last time one last time and left. Agatha waited several more minutes before Professor Anemone walked back in. "It's time Agatha." She said, smiling.

"Ok." Agatha said, taking a deep breath and following the professor out.


(Quick note: I don't know the exact way wedding go, and so if I messed up a part, I am sorry I just haven't been to many weddings.)

A while ago, Tedros was waiting with the boys. He impatiently tapped his foot, waiting for Professor Manley to get them. After what felt like forever, Professor Manley walked in. "All of you, c'mon. It's time." He said.

Tedros followed him to where they were to walk down the aisle. Tedros also saw the girls, waiting for their cue. "Tedros, it's your time to shine." Professor Manley grumbled.

Tedros took a deep breath and walked outside. He saw everyone, the students, the leaders of the woods, the gnomes, and more. By the time he got to the altar, where Pospisil was, he hadn't even had time to look at all the decorations.

With the colorful bubbles filled with songbirds and frogs, the carved altar, and all the other decorations, it was beautiful. He looked over at the lake, shimmering as the sun began to set.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen started making their way down the aisle. The groomsmen were mainly boys from the school who had helped a lot during Rhian and Japeth's reign, including Willam. Hort and Sophie were last, appearing side by side. Tedros couldn't help but notice they were holding hands. Bogden came after, holding the rings, followed by Nicola spreading white and black flower petals across the aisle.

Finally, it was time for Agatha. Tedros held his breath as they started playing the music. When Agatha appeared, he lost his breath entirely, even though he'd already seen her. Her beautiful white dress shimmered in the setting sun, casting sparkles on her face and her hair.

Everyone was silent, in the audience and all over the woods as they watched the spellcast. She was so beautiful, and by the time she got to the altar, the reporters had taken a ton of photos, wanting to capture the moment. Agatha smiled at Tedros as he mouthed: "You look beautiful."

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of these two souls, King Tedros of Camelot and Princess Agatha of Woods Beyond." Pospisil said, continuing with the ceremony until it was time for the vows.

"Tedros, you can give your vows." Pospisil tells Tedros.

"Agatha, when we first met, I wasn't the nicest to you. I thought you would never fit in. But I quickly realized that you aren't just a good student you are a shining star for all the woods. You are the purest and kindest person I have ever known. I pledge my love to you today, and I promise to love you and care for you the rest of my life." Tedros said.

The whole audience, including Agatha, had moist eyes.

"Tedros, my love." Agatha replied. "I hated you when we first met. I thought you were meant to be with Sophie. If I traveled back in time and told my first year self I'd be here, marrying you now, I would have laughed and called them crazy. But as I've gotten to know you and fallen in love with you, I realized this could not be more right. Because I fell in love with you, I have been changed, but for the better. Thank you for Tedros, for turning me from an immature little girl who threw matches in a lake, into a queen."

"Such beautiful vows. Now, it is time for the final part." Pospisil said, eyes wet. "King Tedros of Camelot, do you take Princess Agatha of Woods Beyond to be your lawfully wedded wife and queen?"

"I do!" He said instantly.

Pospisil continues; "Do you, Princess Agatha of Woods Beyond, take King Tedros of Camelot to be your lawfully wedded husband and king?"

"I do!" She said, not looking away from Tedros.

Bogden walked up and gave Pospisil the rings, and he blesses the rings, then gives one to Tedros.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Tedros says, slipping the ring on Agatha's finger.

Pospisil handed Agatha the other ring.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Agatha says as she puts the ring on Tedros' finger.

"Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Pospisil announced.

Tedros took Agatha's waist and kissed her. Agatha put her arms around his neck and they kissed, passionate and full of love, as the woods cheered them on.

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