Bon Voyage

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Hey y'all! Just wanted to let you all know there will be cursing in this book and that there will be mention of mature content but there will be no mature content.

Sophie opened her eyes. She looked over to the other side of the bed where Hort was sleeping and smiled. She almost woke him up before she realized she should let him sleep, since he's still healing. She yawned and got up. She put on a robe and walked into the bathroom to start her morning beauty routine.

About an hour later, Hort walked into the bathroom with a matching robe on. He leaned down to kiss Sophie on the cheek before she held up a hand.

"Don't bother me while I'm getting ready," she said.

Hort chuckled and nodded, then left the room to put on clothes. Sophie finished shortly after, since she had recently cut down the time of her beauty routine significantly (it used to take almost two and a half hours). She put on Evelyn Saders dress, which turned into an off-the-shoulder lavender traveling dress. Sophie smiled.

She walked into her room that she and Hort had been allowed to stay in at the School for Good (you'd be surprised how many guest bedrooms were in the Good castle, perhaps for when parents visit).

Hort looked up from the bag he was packing and his eyes widened. "Nice dress," he commented.

Sophie smiled, then walked over to finish packing her bags, "I wish you could've come, like, two days ago so Teddy could've told us we'd be immediately moving to Camelot. Then I'd have more time to pack..." She grabbed her suitcases that had been moved to this room after she had been- rudely-kicked out of her old residence in the School Masters tower. 

Even though Sophie had already planned on moving to Camelot Castle, she had thought she'd be able to visit the School again before moving. She had also already planned on going on the honeymoon too, but now she had more reason since Hort was part of Camelot's staff, and a small amount of the staff would be coming along (some advisors like Hort were more then welcome to come in case any leader wanted a business meeting or something like that). 

But now, she had to pack all of her bags. 

It took a while, but she managed it, and around two hours later she and Hort were outside, waiting for the carriages.

Finally -even though both their bags had arrived even before Hort and Sophie came out- Tedros and Agatha came out. Sophie guessed the reason they were late was because they had been saying goodbye to everyone, which was what she had done before coming here. They were each wearing traveling outfits, with Agatha in a gold traveling dress and Tedros in a normal t-shirt and pants. Both looked tired, like they hadn't had enough sleep. 

"Looks like you two had fun last night," Hort commented.

Both Agatha and Tedros turned red. "Well, looks like you guys did too," Tedros said. "Sophie looks like she going to get bags under her eyes soon."

Sophie shrieked and grabbed a mirror from her handbag, glaring at Tedros when she saw he was joking. All of them, except Sophie, laughed. 

"Your Majesty, we're ready to go," the driver announced as the carriages drove in. Tedros nodded and they all climbed in. 

"Where we going first? I forget," Hort yawned. 

"Foxwood," Tedros answered as the carriages started moving. Everyone jerked forward, and Hort had to hold onto Sophie to keep her from falling.

Sophie looked out the window. She saw soldiers marching next to their carriage. She knew the smaller carriage in front of them had two of Tedros' advisors, and the rest of that carriage was filled with some of Agatha's handmaidens and a page. The carriage behind them had everyone's luggage in it. All of the carriages were surrounded by guards.

"Do we really need all these guards?" Sophie asked.

"Of course," Tedros glared at Sophie, "Agatha and I are the rulers of Camelot, and it's not like you and Hort are exactly unheard of either. Plus, there are still a few of Japeth's old mercenaries and supporters in the Woods."

"True, we are pretty famous, especially me," Sophie smiled like a cat. 

Tedros rolled his eyes and Agatha laughed, then yawned. She laid her head on Tedros lap and quickly fell asleep. Sophie's eyes, too, began to droop. She put her head on Hort's shoulder and fell asleep.


Agatha sat up and she rubbed her eyes. Hort and Sophie were asleep, but Tedros was still awake. 

"How long was I asleep?" She asked. 

"You and Sophie have been asleep about two hours. Hort and I fell asleep shortly after you two. I just woke up a bit ago," Tedros answered.

Agatha shifted in her seat. She looked up at her husband and smiled. "I'm excited to visit all of these countries. I haven't been to a lot of those kingdoms."

"Same." Tedros saw her surprised face, "Well, my dad hardly ever allowed me and my mom to travel with him, and when he did, I rarely came along."

He looked at her. They were so close they could feel each other's breath. Agatha stared into her true love's beautiful blue eyes. After what seemed like forever, Tedros leaned down and kissed her. Agatha kissed him back harder, his scent filling her mouth. They kept kissing as Tedros put his hands on her waist and she moved her hands into his hair. 

They kissed until the carriage hit a big bump. Hort fell off his seat and he and Sophie woke up. "W-What happened?" He asked, dazed.

"We just hit a bump," Tedros chuckled.

Sophie rubbed her eyes, "Where are we?" She asked as Hort got back up into his seat.

"About an hour away, I'm pretty sure we just crossed the border." Agatha answered.

"What's more important is when we're getting our damn lunch..." Tedros said.

Luckily, Tedros' prayers were soon answered. The carriage stopped and a guard appeared outside the window, "Your Majesty, we are stopping for lunch."

They had stopped in a small clearing in the woods. Baskets were set out, and there were four left, since everyone else had taken their baskets already. Tedros and Hort practically ran over to grab their baskets and immediately started eating. 

Agatha and Sophie grabbed their baskets and went to eat over by a tree. 

"Aggie, do you think Foxwood Castle is nice?" Sophie asked, trying to start a conversation.

"I heard it is, so don't worry," Agatha responded between bites of her sandwich.

"Good. Wait, please tell me you and Teddy are making Camelot Castle much better then it was before?"

Agatha nodded. "We're still keeping a good amount Rhian did, but we're taking out most of the lions. I don't think Tedros really wants that much of Rhian's renovations around the castle."

Sophie sighed. "After all we've been through, I never want to hear that his or any of his family's names again."

"I agree," Agatha said.

"Rhian was so great until he... you know... stole Tedros' crown."

"We should of seen it though."

"Well, it was hard. Rhian was so kind...and so smart...and handsome..." 

"Watch out, I can smell Hort's jealousy growing from here." Agatha joked.

Sophie sniffed the air. "So can I..."

They both cracked up. They kept talking until they had to go back into the carriage, linking their arms.

Soon enough, they arrived at Foxwood Castle. Tedros and Agatha stepped out of the carriage as the King of Foxwood greeted them. 

"Welcome, welcome!" He shook Agatha's and Tedros' hands. "I'm sure you're exhausted, so please follow me and my guards and we'll show you and your staff to your rooms." 

Tedros whispered into Agatha's ear as they followed the King, "Ready to start our honeymoon?"

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