418 36 24

January 27

Jimin PoV

"I'm the mastermind of this killing game".

"What?", my eyes open wide with shock.

"So that's why I cannot leave".

"I have so many questions to ask-", Yoongi begins.

"Well I apologise but we haven't got time to discuss right now", Namjoon says. "Have you decided who will also escape?"

Without thinking about it I said, "yes. Yoongi hyung will".

"Time's up. Reverend Blue, who would you like to escape with you?", the machine perks up.

Jungkook hesitates before whispering, "Yoongi hyung".

"Choice confirmed. Reverend Blue will be escaping with Mrs Landfoul. Congratulations once again. Please head out for the exit within five minutes time. If anyone but the people mentioned try to escape, they will be executed on site. Thank you for playing our game. Until next time".

"That's it?", Jungkook questions.

"Yes. However, you have five minutes to say final goodbyes. I'm not that cruel", Namjoon sighs.

"I'd like to ask some questions then", Yoongi states.

"Go ahead".


"That's a very broad question. Why do anything?", Namjoon questions.

"Why did you create this killing game?"

Namjoon takes a deep breath and tells us his answer.

"I was simply bored. Kluedo is fun so I thought it would be fun to do in real life as well".

"So then why did you help us investigate?", Jungkook chimes in.

"I won't lie to you Jungkook. I wanted to participate as well. The outcome didn't matter to me regardless as I wasn't on a side."

"So then why was Hoseok hyung's body in your room?", I enquire.

"Isn't that one simple? I love him. Just ashame he had to die."

"So you dragged him to your room to keep him for yourself?", Taehyung adds.

"Yup", Namjoon answers back nonchalantly as though this was a normal thing to do.

"Then what happened to Seokjin hyung's corpse?", Jungkook questions.

"I moved it. I felt like making the game harder so that's what I did".

"So why am I the murderer?", Taehyung asks.

"Pot luck. Same thing with Seokjin."

"Then finally I'd like to ask", Yoongi begins, "are you okay?"

"You really like to ask the broad questions, don't you? No, mentally I'm unstable. I never told you guys but well, there's no harm anymore since I'm going to die in a few minutes. I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder but I haven't been taking my medication."

"Why didn't you tell us? We could've helped", I cry out.

"Should've, could've, would've. It's in the past now", he looks at his phone. "I don't mean to rush things but, I believe it is time for you guys to go. There is only one minute left".

I nod to Jungkook and Yoongi.

"Please, don't feel guilty", I say. "Think of this as a see you later rather than a farewell".

I couldn't hold back the tears.

"I'll atone for my sins so please, don't make the same mistakes I did", Taehyung cries out.

Jungkook starts to bawl his eyes out, Yoongi choking back his tears as well.

They nod.

"I'll remember you guys. I'll make sure everybody does", Yoongi cries.

"I won't forget all you have taught me", Jungkook adds.

"Right, now go or all we have been through will have been for nothing", I cry.

They look at each other, conviction in their eyes. They turn around to exit however a lone voice stops them.

"Please remember me for who I was, not who I am", Namjoon whispers. I notice a tear roll down his cheek. He still cares.

"Of course hyung!", Jungkook gleams.

"We couldn't forget you even if we tried", Yoongi declares.

"Thanks guys", Namjoon smiles.

Yoongi and Jungkook finally exit, shouting back to us. "We love you all!"

And with that, they managed to escape, turning their backs on this horrible place, walking towards a much brighter future.

"The building will self detonate in 3-", the machine begins.

Quickly I grab both Taehyung and Namjoon's hands.


"I love you both".


They squeeze my hand back.

I close my eyes.

See you two in the afterlife.


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