Chapter IV

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This one is... Eh, I don't know

I went through three moods while making this, so I don't know if it makes sense in the end

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You're in a all-white room, you look around and see nothing but completely featureless people, so blank you could call then mannequins

A TV calls names you've never heard, and each time, one of the people go through a door, and don't come back

You try to get up, but you only manage to lean closer to your clasped hands

You blink, and suddenly a faceless doctor stands in front of you

You're no longer in the waiting room, though, now it's a surgery room

Three surgeons appear

They're different from anyone you've seen, not only because of the uniform, but something else

You can't deny you saw they smile, even though they don't have mouths

Their way of moving isn't so robotic, something about them is fluid, even playful

They pull out a plastic mask and put it over your face

Then your vision fills with light

For some time, you can hear the beeping of machines, with painfully long pauses between each beep

And then your sight is filled with black, just like the way old TVs turn off

You feel your heartbeat getting weaker... Then slower... And then-


Y/n: GAAAHH! *pant* *pant*

"AAH- Dude what happened?!"

You look around, you're in your bed, in your own room

"Hell, you got me good here, but really, are you okay? Say something!"

You recognize it's Hirotto's voice, so you start looking for your phone

Y/n: Hiro? What's going on?

"I ask you the same thing! You answered my wake-up call and then suddenly stopped talking"

You find your phone 'hiding' under your back

Y/n: I see... Must've fallen asleep

"I take it you had a nightmare then"

Y/n: I guess...? - You look at yourself, your clothes are so damp with sweat they're clinging to your body - *sigh* Definitely

"What was it about? I wanna test my new dream-deciphering book!"

Y/n: Oh come on, did you really buy that?

"What? I just wanna try it out! It might benefit you too if you let me"

Y/n: I don't think so - You take off your shirt - In any way, I can't remember anything other than blacking out at the end

Blind Date (Blind Girl x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now