Chapter XII

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The classroom buzzes with restless energy as students pack up their belongings, eager for the final bell to release them. You're about to sling your bag over your shoulder when a voice cuts through your chatter with Poka.

???: Hey, wait up!

You turn to see one of the geek clique members-a lanky guy with messy hair and thick-rimmed glasses-navigating through the desks toward you, it's Kenta, the ex vice-president, currently president, of the literature club

Kenta: Hey, Y/n Kamikawa, right? – He says while looking over his shoulders, seemingly worried about something – I need a favor

Y/n: Favor? – You raise an eyebrow – Sounds shady

Kenta: Our president, Ken, is gone, you know, the guy who used to handle... delicate negotiations with the jocks – He adjusts his glasses, a trait he shares with Ken himself – He transferred to journalism

Y/n: Big shoes to fill in huh? – You look over at Poka, who is sitting quietly, waiting for the conversation to end – So, what do you expect of me?

Kenta: Well, before he left, he lent his custom controller to those meatheads in the gym club – He does a sheepish grin, clearly not thrilled on what he has to say next – They were supposed to return it... but, you know...

Y/n: They didn't, obviously – You deadpan, not really excited to get involved, but listening intently

Kenta: Exactly – He nods, grimacing – Surprisingly enough, this is the first time this happens, Ken always lent his controller now and then and never failed to get it back – He slumps his shoulders – He left us the controller as some sort of heirloom, a goodbye gift of sorts, but possibly forgot to get it back from the jocks before giving it to us

The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day. Students surge toward the door, leaving you, Kenta and Poka in a bubble of relative calm.

Y/n: Well if Ken never fails to get it back, then why am I being contacted?

Kenta: You see, there's nothing wrong actually, we're in good terms and all but... – He fidgets – I don't really want to bother him because my diplomatic skills failed.

Y/n: I don't know... – You pout thoughtfully, looking at the ceiling – What do you think, Poka?

Poka: Huh? – She blinks – Me?

Y/n: Yes – You tilt your head, considering whether to play along or not – I don't usually do errands, so I'd like your assessment on the matter

Poka: Well I... – She covers her mouth with one hand, deep in thought; You also see a faint pinkish tint on her cheeks for a moment, but it might be only your imagination – Your reputation in this school is very mixed, and you're well-known despite not everyone agreeing on a exact view of you... Maybe you should help them and build some rapport – She blushes a bit more, this time you're sure it's real – O-Only if you want to improve your status, of course

Y/n: Thanks, Poka – You smile, turning back to Kenta – Say, you want me to storm their hideout or something? I admit I'm not very excited for this, but Ken's friends are my friends, so I'll follow her advice

Kenta: Oh nonono! – He scratches the back of his neck, imagining the consequences – You should do it diplomatically, or else if they find out the controller is misteriously gone they would rather start a war than admitting they are wrong

Y/n: Sheesh, lucky for you I've always been a politician at heart – You smirk confidently – No war is going to break out or whatever

Kenta: Good – He sighs in relief – So, we're past school hours, so only club members are around, this is the best chance of getting it back without causing a scene. – He raises one finger ominously – But they're not gonna just give it up.

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