Chapter 1:Meeting Ezra

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I just found out that I will have to start at a new school called Bridgewood Academy. It's not like I wasn't expecting it but still, just the thought of having to go to a new school yet again made me bored out of my mind, it would just probably be another school that would take me and then expels me. I didn't even do anything that bad like how is it my fault that the teachers have no sense of humor whatsoever. 

My last school was a public school that accepts anybody and rarely expels students, that was the main reason I went there but then they decided to kick me out without it being my fault well maybe it was partially my fault but I can't predict that the teacher would take my innocent joke of putting red paint over the door and yelling bloody murder when she entered and got covered with paint so badly like it was just a joke, Move on at least it wasn't real blood.

Anyway, my lawyer just told me that the school takes discipline very seriously and that my parents have already signed the agreement that allows them to punish you just as they see fit."Wait a sec! Punish me??" he told me that the school believes in corporal punishment like spankings and all. God, I swear I am going to kill someone before I let anyone spank me. He then told me that the school has a system where every student is appointed a mentor who is responsible for them and has the authority to punish the student.

My parents are so useless like why do they gotta torture me when they are out traveling the world. They could have just taken my suggestion and let me drop out, it's not like I need the education to earn a living or something. My family had enough money that I don't need to earn a single dollar my whole life and could still live very luxuriously.

I am starting school on Monday which is tomorrow and I am sitting here looking at the school brochure. The only thing that I actually look forward to this hell hole is that they have a basketball team that is actually pretty good, they got close to winning nationals last year.I have been interested in basketball for as long as I can remember but my last school didn't even bother to try to make a sports team so that sucked.

Walking to the principles office with my lawyer by my side I noticed that the school was huge and that their uniform may not be as horrible as I imagined it to be, I still think that the concept of uniform sucks but they could have been way uglier so I just accepted my fate. After all the paperwork was handled I got my schedule and bid adieu to my lawyer.

I found my way to my first class deliberately walking slowly cause I was in no hurry to deal with teachers this early in the morning.

I entered my biology class 35 minutes late( i got distracted by my phone in the washroom)."Is there a reason why you're so late for my class" the mean-looking teacher asked me with a frown on her face," no, I just didn't want to see your face so early in the morning" The whole class started laughing and Mrs bitch face started fuming, if we were in a cartoon smoke would probably be coming out of her ears.

"You're Alexis Kingston, aren't you? The new student who got kicked out of her last school"

"I go by Alex and why does it matter to you anyway"

"Cause I am going to be informing your mentor about your late arrival plus rude behavior"

"Whatever," I say as I get inside and take my seat at the back next to a girl.

"Hey, you could get into serious trouble for that" the girl beside me whispered

"It doesn't matter anyway. What are they gonna do about it, suspend me? That's like a free vacation I look forward to it "I told her back

"They don't really suspend people for small issues, they just tell your mentors and then the mentors punish you by you know..." the girl said shying at the end

"Don't worry I won't let them even touch a hair on my body"

"By the way I am Brayden"

"I'm Alex"

"Yeah, the whole class probably knows"

The class ends and we head out together not before throwing one last glare at Mrs Bitch face though

During lunch, I went in and saw Brayden waving at me. I went to her table and she introduced me to her friend group which was basically her boyfriend Jace and his friends. They all introduced themselves and one guy named Ian asked me about my mentor

"Why is the mentor thing so important in this school anyway?"

"Cause it determines if you're gonna have an easy year or a painful one"

Like hell it was gonna be a painful year, it would be for my mentor maybe but I didn't say that out loud. I told him that I haven't met him yet but apparently, his name is Mr. Pierce or something like that

"You're lucky! He's new so he probably doesn't know how all of this works plus he is really sweet and not that strict. You wouldn't have much problem with him" he said

"Hope so," I said for his sake we better not have any problems
All of  them looked really friendly and they looked like trouble too
Exactly my kind of people

After the classes ended I was to report to room 302 to meet my mentor

I roamed around for a few minutes then finally went inside the room

I saw a cute guy who didn't really look much older than me sat on the desk in the front of the room. When I entered he got up and came towards me,

"Hi, My name is Ezra Pierce. You can call me Ezra or Mr.Pierce, whatever suits you." He said while taking his hand out for a handshake

I ignored the handshake and went to sit on the desk which was just in front of his seat.

"Alexis, it's very rude to ignore people when they're being nice and besides we already have many things that we need to talk about," he said with a stern expression that somehow seemed scary to me

But I shoved that feeling at the back of my mind and said"It's Alex, and I can't think of anything we could possibly have to talk about"

"How about we start about you showing up late to Mrs. Helford's class and then continued to behave rudely with her"

I just said that I didn't mean it and that I was late because I couldn't find the classroom and that she was the one being rude to me and not the other way around

"No matter what you're supposed to be respectful towards other people especially your teachers"

I said I was sorry and that it wouldn't happen again which was obviously bullshit but he seemed to believe me so he just told me to  complete my work and then I can go for the day

I guess my year isn't gonna be that hard cause I got a chill teacher and I am pretty sure that this guy won't be able to spank me or whatever
He just doesn't seem like the type of person

After meeting Ezra I realized that the school year was actually gonna be so much fun cause I could get into trouble without any repercussions of my actions like it always has been

But little did I know what I had in store for me going forward.


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Hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a good day~~~

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