Chapter 3: Missing Assignments

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"Ms. Alexis Kingston, would you please like to share why you didn't even bother to do the assignment that I mentioned yesterday was very important and will have a huge impact on your grades?" Mr. Saltzman asked me in a sharp tone

"Cause I didn't feel like it," I said trying to sound unbothered but the reality was quite different from what I was trying to portray.

So basically today is Friday and the incident of you know what happened with Ezra on Wednesday, yesterday I really didn't feel like doing any work so I didn't do it and right now I am in Mr. Saltzman's class trying to show as if the thought that Ezra would know and definitely act on his threat of punishing me if I missed any more assignments does not bother me at all.

"The assignment was stupid anyway, why do I have to write a report on world war 2?" I just told him in a whiny voice

"That's it, I am informing Ezra about your missing assignment and clearly unremorseful behavior," he said in a cold tone

"Fuck you" the whole class gasped as these words left my mouth. I knew I was going to get in even more trouble because of that.

"So you want to add cursing to the list as well"

I don't know why my mouth is hell-bent on killing me but I just repeated "Fuck you Asshole"

Mr. Saltzman was a pretty relaxed teacher and this is probably the first time I have seen him this mad.
His face became kind of red from anger and he said in a chilling tone "That was your last straw Alexis, you are going to go find Ezra right now and tell him everything you did and you better not skip anything cause I am going to be calling him to check it"

"But he would be in class right now," I said in kind of a scared tone

"This is the last class for the day so he can deal with you after class but you are going to go and tell him right now, I don't care if he is in the middle of the class or not"

" B-But he is going to get extra mad  because of it"

"You should have thought of that before you decided to throw respect out of the window. You're going and that is final, if you don't leave right now I am going to take you to him myself" he said in a tone that left no room for discussion

I left Mr. Saltzman's class and went towards his room. Shit, he does have a class right now, I was kind of hoping maybe he would have a free and be getting bored but clearly luck was not on my side.

I debated running away but thankfully (for my butt) decided that it would probably just increase my punishment and do me no good. I stood there for a couple of minutes trying to figure out what I was gonna say to him but then remembered that there wasn't much time left for the class to end and I really didn't want Mr. Saltzman calling him and telling about my tardiness in informing him.

I slowly knocked on the door hoping he wouldn't hear it and I would have a few more minutes but he opened the door almost right away and look concerned when he saw me.

"What are you doing here Alex in the middle of the class? Is something wrong, did something happen?" He asked in a quite worried tone. This made me even more nervous.

"Um, Mr. Saltzman ask- told me to go to you and t-tell you about what happened" I was stuttering so much that I could barely speak.

He understood that it's because I got in trouble and not because anything was wrong with me, his eyes hardened almost immediately, and asked me to continue in a stern tone

"Well, I didn't do my assignment which he told me was important, and then behaved rudely towards him" I decided to omit the cursing part cause I doubted that Mr. Saltzman would actually check on my statement.

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