My story

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Y/N Pov

Where  light touches the heart, where my secret is hidden, where shadows extend to people, where my story begins.

There people didn't know happiness, instead of eyes they had tears, instead of hearts they had fears, instead of heaven they had death and gave to heaven the most precious thing they had.

There people didn't know happiness, instead of eyes they had tears, instead of hearts they had fears, instead of heaven they had death and gave to heaven the most precious thing they had

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Through traditional song and clothing, the virgins were released into boats and the dragon was called to take them to their deaths.

But there was a man whose love was stronger than his fear. He swore to save his beloved. He crossed the land and the water but when he finally found the dragon's lair it was too late.The pain and rage combined and he killed the dragon.He freed people from fear and they called him a Dragon Fighter.

Years have passed and the misfortune is gone and the ritual has become a wedding tradition.

The day came when the grandson of the dragon fighter, Jason married the king's little daughter Alycia.

The day came when the grandson of the dragon fighter, Jason married the king's little daughter Alycia

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Writer Pov

-Can you hear this, Alycia. Your future husband is here-. Maia asked,the happy shouts of the people were heard as they greeted the young man.

Her older sister Maya also braids her hair for the ceremony.

-Bring me the necklace and dress while she counts the crows.she Maia

-No,I don't count, I just thinking. It's a pity that dragons no longer exist.-Alycia said, holding a dragon origami in her hand.

-What are you talking about before the wedding, lest you want a dragon to kidnap you and send Jason into battle>?

-at least I'll marry another dragon fighter-said the green-eyed princess.

-is that all you think about?-Maia asked

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