Save her

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Alycia POV

I came out of the water panting and climbed the rocks of the island. I turned to see the dragon lying and breathing heavily.I started to climb faster and call for help.

-Somebody!?Somebody!?Help me!!Helppp!!-I reached a place where the horizon could be seen in the dark.

-Somebody!?Somebody!?Help me!!Helppp!!-I reached a place where the horizon could be seen in the dark

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-I'm over here.....HEEELLLLPPPP!!!Over here....Help!!!.

Writer POV (Jason's boat)

-I have a bad feeling about this Jason.It's too quiet here.The island should've been here,but all I can see is this strange fog.-said a guard and he's a close friend of Jason.

-i can't do anything about that and I haven't seen such a fog.-Jason answered and continued to drink from his bottle of alcohol

-but you've heard about it.Your grandfather told you the secret of how to get through the fog,or maybe you forgot.

-No,I haven't...We're doing everything right.

-So...what's the secret then?

-Secret this,Secret that

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-Secret this,Secret that...I've heard this all the time,but the dragon should've been dead.Don't worry,i know what to do.And if he didn't tell me everything,i can save her.

-Think about the girl,you must rescue her....before it's too late...

Alycia POV

-I'm over here!!-I shouted, but there was no one.

-Somebody...please-I saw little red dots in the air around me. I turned to see the dragon turn into Y/N.

I approached and saw her. She was naked and unconscious. I took a heavy stone next to me and i was ready to hit her when I heard the little creature running towards me.

-Get away from me..!!-But he passed me and went to Y/N, but he couldn't get her out, and the waves hit her.

-It's ok...The best way....That will be better...Yeahh it's not me, it's the ocean.-The little creature started calling me for help, but I withdrew. Suddenly I stopped and turned and saw Y/N almost all her head under the water.

I Am Dragon Alycia/ YouWhere stories live. Discover now