I will help you

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Alycia POV

I could see him. It was dark and the moon was shining on him, it was Jason. I ran to him and he picked me up and hugged me.

-my sweetheart.....my Alycia -he whispered

-I knew, I knew you would come for me.-When I turned to look him in the face, I didn't see him....i saw Y\N?

I was scared, but Y/N grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to her. I tried to push myself away, but she was stronger and her eyes were closed.After I couldn't push myself away from her, I let myself be brought closer to her.She was so calm ...

The sun's rays and the sounds of birds woke me up. I was wrapped in a blanket, with fire on one side and fruit on the other.I took it and looked at it, it was beautiful.I remember that in the kingdom we called it a dragon fruit.I started eating it, I didn't feel when I moaned when I tasted it. It's so sweet and delicious.I looked around it was so beautiful during the day.

I looked around until I saw Y/N fishing with a stick.

-Good morning, Y/N-I said as I went down to her.she turned and looked at me then threw a fish that passed me and then i saw the little creature catching it with his mouth

-I just wonder why you bring me food and warm blanket,if you don't even wanna talk with me-i said

-Y/N,first you pushed me away then you apologise, you throw me into the pit then you saved my life-I looked at her, but she still said nothing and continued fishing.

-Y/N talk to me-I can be rude, too, I told myself.Then I kicked the bowl into the water with the fish in it. The creature growled at me, and Y/N turned and looked at me angrily while I was smiling.

-Either we talk or I keep bothering you, and believe me I can be very annoying-i said

-Now I understand why my ancestors killed you so quickly ... so you wouldn't have a chance to talk-she said

-Y/N,you don't wanna kill me,do you? You don't need me,take me back home.

She came close to me and looked me in the eyes, then bent down and took her fishing stick, which was between my legs.

-it's not that simple-she said

-Tell me,maybe i will understand and then we can think of something 

    Y/N Pov

I sat on a rock, Alycia sat on another. I stared at the horizon, remembering everything.

-Long time ago a girl lived on this iland.The girl lived with her father who's a dragon.The girl loved her father very much.Dream to become just like him...but one day the ocean brought wooden chest.

but one day the ocean brought wooden chest

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