Chapter 2-The Beginning of Another Adventure

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Meanwhile, within a far off region of the Polaris Galaxy known as the Breegus System, 2 unlikely companions were drifting through space. Qwark: "Space: it's huge! So huge, in fact, that if you lost your keys in it, they would be almost impossible to find."

Flying through space was Ratchet in his starship, the Aphelion. Believe it or not, Qwark actually was going along with our young hero at that time. Qwark: "Luckily for Ratchet, Captain Copernicus L. Qwark was on the case. His mission, rescue the Lombax's one and only friend."

Unsurprisingly, Ratchet was very annoyed to have Qwark with him. Who can really blame him? Qwark: "Yep, without Clank, Ratchet was alone in the Universe. Alone...alone...alone!" Ratchet: "You realize this ship has an ejector seat, right?" Qwark: "Sorry, I guess you could say I've been a little "antsy in my pantsy" at the thought of getting back into the hero business. Yes, these wild stallions have been in the stable too long." Ratchet: "Right. Look, just keep your eyes peeled. Talwyn says this place is crawling with mercenaries." Qwark: "Rest easy, my friend. My vigilance is both eternal and peripheral." Aphelion: "Warning. Warning. Unidentified anomaly detected."

Just then, an unusual shockwave was fast approaching them. Ratchet: "Hang on! Shifting to evasive maneuvers!"

They were struck by the shockwave before Ratchet even had the chance to react. The ship stopped working and hurtled towards a nearby planet. Qwark: "Oh, no! We're going to die! We're going to die! Good thing I'm wearing clean underwear!" Ratchet: "Will you shut up? We're not going to die! Aphelion, engage grav-o-metric stabilizers." Aphelion: "Negative. Stabilizers offline. Thrusters offline. Landing flaps offline." Ratchet: "Alright, so we're gonna die."

They both screamed as they fell from the sky. The ship broke apart bit by bit as they tumbled. They came up to an abyss and were about to fall into it.

For a short time, Ratchet had his eyes closed. He then opened them and looked around. Both he and Qwark looked out at everything around them. There were a number of things that were frozen in time within a mysterious blue aura. Ratchet: "Whoa..." Qwark: "I know. So much for clean underwear."

Ratchet had an awkward look on his face. Suddenly, the ship's air bags inflated and slammed both of their faces. Shortly afterwards, they heard a familiar voice. Kim: "Ratchet? Ratchet!"

Ratchet moved his air bag to the side and looked out. Ratchet: "Kim? Is that you?"

He looked out across the abyss and spotted Kim standing on the distance. She was sporting a special battle suit known as the Centurion Armor. The armor itself took on a few changes since the last time it was seen, such as omitting the headpiece, allowing her hair to flow freely. Ratchet: "Kim!"

Qwark also peered out from behind his air bag and spotted her as well. He waved to her. Qwark: "Uh...hey there...young lady..." Kim: "Captain Qwark?" Ratchet: "Uh, Kim? Think you can give us a hand?" Kim: "No problem."

She shot out tethers from both of her armor's gloves. Both Ratchet and Qwark grabbed on to them, they were pulled out of the ship. Ratchet was able to land directly beside her while Qwark was flung out much further and crashed into something. Kim then looked out towards the wreckage. Kim: "Whoa, Aphelion sure took a beating." Ratchet: "Yeah, I know, we were very lucky to have survived that crash." Kim: " put it lightly..." Ratchet: "So, how have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time; in person at least." Kim: "Uh...well...there have been...a few...changes going on...other than that, I'm doing well." Ratchet: " what are you doing all the way out here? I thought you were still back on Earth." Kim: "Well, Wade has been picking up on a number of strange temporal anomalies, so I came all the way out here to check them out." Ratchet: "I see...uh, where's Ron? Isn't he with you?"

Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in TimeWhere stories live. Discover now