Chapter 13-Setbacks and Realizations

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As soon as the elevator doors opened, Dr. Nefarious was seen standing before them along with several of his robot troops. Kim: "Oh, no!" Dr. Nefarious: "Well, what do we have here? All of my old foes standing right here before me."

Rufus growled at him. Rufus: "Nefarious!"

Kim and Ratchet walked up closer towards Nefarious. Kim: "Dr. Nefarious, I was so hoping we wouldn't run into you again." Dr. Nefarious: "Well, you're out of luck there, missy! And the both you had the gall to set foot on to my base after you did THIS to me!"

He pointed towards the damage on his face. Kim: "Hm, I have to admit, Ratchet really did leave a nice mark on that face of yours; it suits you quite well."

Both she and Ratchet laughed as they did a fist bump with one another, which aggravated Nefarious. Ratchet: "But enough about that. Nefarious, you can't use the clock. You don't know what you could be doing." Kim: "That's right. Nothing that you could ever want is worth risking the entire Universe." Dr. Nefarious: "Oh, but there is and I have all of you to thank for it, especially that blonde kid who clearly isn't here right now, eh...what's his name? Uh...oh, forget it!"

Rufus groaned. Kim: "What do you mean by that, Nefarious?" Dr. Nefarious: "Do I need to remind you? I would be glad to, Kim Possible. Initiate super-wavy flashback mode!" Kim: "Uh...what?"

And with that, a number of scenes appeared one after another during his narration that they are somehow able to see. Dr. Nefarious: "Let me start by saying that thanks to you, I found myself drifting through the cosmos. Do you know what it's like to float along on an asteroid for a long period of time? It is surprisingly boring! Nothing for a villain to do but dwell on his failure! Then one day, we arrived on Zanifar, which was called Tobolia at the time, but that's beside the point. The Fongoids managed to save us and we were free from that insufferable and seemingly endless ride through space! But, still, failure burned in my circuitry! How could I have been defeated by the likes of you? Why had the Universe been tipped in your..." Kim: "Hold on a moment!"

The flashback was interrupted. Kim: "You use crayons, too? What's with you guys and your uncanny love for crayons? Are you and Qwark both so childish?" Dr. Nefarious: "Don't interrupt me! I'm nowhere near finished with my story! Now where was I? Drifting, asteroid, failure, Fongoids, defeated, tipped in your...ah! Now I remember! So, then, I embarked on a crusade through the inner recesses of what you call "the soul"."

The flashback continued. Dr. Nefarious: "I studied Fongoid meditation, attended anger management, dabbled in yoga and attended more anger management." Kim: "Heh! A lot of good that anger management did for you." Dr. Nefarious: "I said don't interrupt me, girl! So then, one day, I went on a spirit walk on planet Quantos." Ratchet: "And how did you get to Quantos?" Dr. Nefarious: "Let's just say the story behind that is far too complicated to go into details." Kim: "Fine, let's go with that." Dr. Nefarious: "So then, it was there that I finally found what I had been missing: The Great Clock!" Kim: "Oh, no, you can't be serious!" Dr. Nefarious: "Oh, but I am, Miss Possible."

The flashback had ceased. Dr. Nefarious: "With the clock under my control, I'll be able to wrong all the rights in the Universe. Every villain who has ever stumbled will get a do-over, including the ones that you have faced. Dr. Drakken! Shego! Monkey Fist! Duff Killigan! Professor Dementor! That...that guy with the mullet that says "seriously" over and over again." Kim: "Motor Ed." Dr. Nefarious: "Yes! That one! They as well as every other villain will triumph while every protagonist's triumph will be reversed! Until finally, a new present is created in which the heroes always lose!"

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