Like Family

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Purple POV

With a loud plop Fred appears right next to me and wraps his arms around my body.

"Hey Love!"

"Hey Honey!" He kisses my forehead which makes me smile widely.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too!!"

After meeting my Mum we spent a lovely day together on our grounds while I was showing him where I grew up. We then apparated back to The Burrow in England.

I hear a loud swoosh and I feel like being pulled through a tube as everything suddenly stops feeling so disgustingly weird when we finally appear in England. I feel my blood pumping through my body and I stumble backwards almost falling onto my boyfriend.
"I just remembered why I can't apparate." He chuckles and holds me until I feel steady on my feet again.

"Good thing you have me. You ready?"

I nod and he takes my hand as we walk through the grass towards the huge house.

He knocks on the door and almost immediately a woman with grey hair opens the door.
"Fred! There you are! Great to see you again!!" She pulls him towards her and he gets huddled up into a hug. As she releases him again he points at me.
"Hey, I brought somebody with me; Grandma, this is-" His voice seems to be higher than usual.

"Oh of course I remember Purple! Your best friend! She's family!" She wraps her arms tightly around my body as I embrace the familiar hug.
"Yeah uhm... She's actually my girlfriend..." I smile at her shyly as she slowly lets go of me and looks at the two of us. I follow my sudden urge to grab Fred's hand.
Molly claps her hands together and an even bigger smile appears on her face.

"Well then you're now an official part of the Weasley family!! That has to be celebrated!! Now come in, come in. Why are you still standing in front of that door anyways?"

She steps away from the door and Fred and I enter the familiar house.

The smell surrounding me is nothing that can be described with words but rather with feelings.

Love and Happiness being the two most present.

I grin happily in contentment. This place makes me so happy. It is filing a hole that I didn't even know was there.
The house is rather empty seeing as Molly is the only one still living here though she is being visited by one of her children everyday. I know that everyone is going to be here for dinner, which is why a tent was set up outside.
Arthur, Molly's husband, died years ago ironically suffering from a muggle condition called Cancer which sadly nobody has found a cure for yet.

"Grandma, do you know when Mum and Dad are gonna be here?" Fred turns to his grandma, while I look around the house, like I do every time I visit.
"Sometime around six, so pretty soon. Why are you askin munchkin?" She smiles at him.
"Just curious. Purple and I will be upstairs setting up my room, alright?"
"Yes, go do that." He takes my hand and practically drags me up the stairs seeing as I love looking at the house because in every corner it has something new magical but also non-magical.

As we enter the room I freeze for a second and look around. I soundlessly move my lips mouthing the words: "There's only one bed..." As Fred looks at me, not having noticed my reaction to the rather tiny room.
"What is it Love?"
"Nothing!" I squeal and smile at him.

Nothing at all.
It is not like we haven't shared a bed or that this would be my first time sharing a bed with somebody, but it was something fairly new to share a bed with my boyfriend for a longer period of time.

Family, mental breakdowns and strawberry cakeWhere stories live. Discover now