We are so proud of you

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Henry Ford once said: When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.


Purple POV

The floor beneath my feet starts shaking as the plane takes off and the world starts flying by the window right next to me as we rise up into the sky. Statistically, small people prefer the window seat because it is better for resting and since there's no need for extra space at your feet it is still great to sit.

Though those are very valid arguments, I personally love sitting here because of the view. The view of humans, houses, citys, countries growing smaller and smaller as I rise high up above.

Planes are an amazing invention for many reasons but especially because they help me get away from my problems for a few hours. Looking at the world from such an angle really puts everything into a different perspective.

The only bad thing is that as soon as I step out of this plane my problems will be waiting for me in the form of my own father.

I shiver just thinking about it, about him.

Especially during this last year I have started disliking him more and more with every new day.
The way he'd been acting towards my brother had put an end to my childish admiration of the wonderful man that is my father. I started seeing flaws that I never would've noticed and I started seeing a different person than the one I got to know over the years before that.

I sigh and close my eyes for a moment to leave the upcoming anxiety behind on the ground and instead focus on the beauty of this world.

I glance back outside onto London, the city we're soon going to leave behind for a whole new view.

Pride and Prejudice was the thing entertaining me until I fell into a slight slumber, the calming sound of the engines putting me to sleep for the rest of the long flight.

The shaking as we touch the ground is what wakes me up again. I must've fallen asleep somewhere along the way and I am kind of glad I did, being unconscious to the world instead of overthinking my next week. I stuff my book into my backpack and as the little lamp turns on with a quiet though recognizable sound I undo my seatbelt and stand up, waiting to get to walk outside.

The only downside of a window seat really is the waiting you have to do until your neighbour has all their things together. Luckily the woman right next to me was as quick as I was and so I am one of the first people to leave the plane and walk into the airport building.

A sigh slips my mouth as I lift my heavy suitcase off the baggage carousel and set it down only to drag it towards the exit. In my head I curse at myself for not listening to my boyfriend and magically making the suitcase lighter, which would've been a very good idea.

"Purple! There you are!" My mother voices herself over all the people standing in the waiting area. I smile as I finally see her and fasten my pace until I reach her and wrap my arms around her, probably suffocating her with my tight hug.
"Hey Mum, long time no see!"

"Purple, I have missed you!!" I let go of her body and take a look at her face. Her cheeks are flushed in the excitement of seeing me and I would guess that mine look similar right now.
"How was the flight?" She smiles widely at me.
"It was great!! I slept for quite some time but it really felt good just laying there."

"You could've just apperated." I tilt my head to the left where the words had come from. I scoff quietly and force a thin smile onto my lips.

"Hello to you too, Dad." I didn't expect him to actually be here. Surely he must have something important at work and leave again, or one of his so-called friends would call any moment and he'd have to rush away, how he always rushed away from such moments.

Family, mental breakdowns and strawberry cakeWhere stories live. Discover now