To friendship

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“This is probably the best time I have had in my life.”
I say and turn around on my towel, my feet buried in the soft white sand and the sun burning down on my back.
My skin is tan and my hair an almost blonde tone from all the time that Joon, Yoongi, Kook and I have spent on this wide and beautiful french beach.
I look at my friends and - I smile even wider - my boyfriend of one year and four months, who are lazily laying on towels as well.
Yoongi had taken the spot right under the only sunshade we have with us from day one.
And well, he is still as pale as when we started the vacation almost two weeks ago.
Joon and Jungkook are just as tan as I am, their black hair having faded to a lighter shade.
Right now, they‘re looking at me as I have interrupted the silence we‘d been in for I-don‘t-even-know how long, just relaxing in the hot afternoon sun.
“Why‘s that?“
Jungkook asks, his voice only a mumble and I grin.
He must‘ve fallen asleep, laying on his stomach with one hand resting on my chest protectively.
With me shifting around, it‘s landed on the sand next to me where he is now drawing patterns.
“Mhhhh… “… I am so very tempted to say something cheesy but after a moment of contemplation I settle with the truth.
“A couple of years ago, my best friend Jimin told me about oceans and sand and sandcastles and ever since, I wanted to see it all for real. You know, I have never in my life been on a beach until we came here.“
This causes Joon to grin and when I add “and this is a really pretty place to fuck my boyfriend“, he laughs loudly, his bare chest vibrating and his eyes smiling alongside his lips as he looks at me, pressing a kiss to my boyfriend’s now crimson cheeks, his dark eyes meeting mine cause we both know who really… well… you know.
Yoongi just looks up from his book, shaking his head, but a soft smile also tugs on his lips.
“Get a room and let the rest of us be single without feeling terrible, will you?“
I stick my tongue out at him, laughing, but then actually sit up, ruffling through my hair, a grin on my lips.
“That would be too far to walk, but I will think about it later, thanks Yoongs“ - he scoffs - “but come on Jungkook, we‘re gonna go for a swim.“
He scrunches up his nose and shakes his head, so I wrap my arms around his torso and force him to sit up as well.
“Come on sleepyhead, we are taking the air mattress so you can even keep laying on something.“
He groans,“Fine“, and gets up, waiting for me to follow him.
I get up, grab the bright blue and yellow monstrosity of the inflatable mattress and tug him to the water with a big grin, pulling my lips into a boxy shape, my hand around his wrist.
He‘s making a fuss about getting into the cold water, which is perfectly refreshing in my opinion.
Finally, we float away from the shore and closer to the open sea, soft waves pushing us away from the beach.
Jungkook actually lays back down, his eyes closed as the sun makes his skin glow.
I lean over him, casting a shadow on his face and he squints at me.
“Don‘t be boring, Jungkookie. We could do so many fun things out here…“, and after a moment of consideration I add with a smug grin,“ even without you having to move at all.“
My boyfriend pulls one eyebrow up, looking confused.
“Which would be?“
“I‘m glad you asked.“ I grin and lean down, my lips pouting out to press a kiss to his throat, quickly kissing a trail down to his collarbone, tasting the salt from swimming earlier.
“Oh no no no no“ he protests and sits up, pulling my head back up by softly grabbing my neck while laughing breathily, his face flushing.
So close to my face, I am sure he can see the playful rogue in my blue eyes.
“Why, baby?“ I whine, a grin still on my lips.
His eyes widen and he looks at me in disbelief, though his scolding voice is soft in tone.
“W- why?! Because you are not… you know… gonna give me a blowjob in public!“ He protests, attempting to sound stern.
I chuckle, my voice deep as I look into his eyes, a pout on my lips.
“That was not even what I was trying to-“
I am interrupted by Jungkook‘s lips meeting mine, caught somewhere in the middle between soft, just to shut me up, and passionate, to… well I will find out where this is going.
I pout out my lips and lean into the kiss, my hands on each side of his hips, holding myself up whereas Jungkook‘s arms are wrapped around my neck, fingers playing with my hair.
I open my closed eyes a tiny bit and peek down to watch two of my fingers walk along and up his thigh, edging closer to his crotch when my boyfriend shifts and knocks my hand away with a sigh.
“Angel…“ he forces out, as if… my nickname would successfully substitute for some kind of threat.
“Yes?“ I ask innocently, blinking fastly as I meet his gaze.
“We are still in goddamn public. So… no.“
I huff and glare at him, still very playful, in disbelief about what this ‘argument‘ is about.
“It‘s a private fucking beach. There’s like, 5 other people over there… also…“ I pout, “we have been sharing a flat with two other guys for… 13 days now and you know as well as I do that those pretty room dividers are the cockblock.
Hawaiian style my ass.“

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