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⚠️TW: mature language,tiny bit of violence but really not that much⚠️

(3rd Person POV)
A few weeks went by and Wilbur and Elisabeth became very Good room mates and even better friends. They're new semester would start in a day and Elisabeth was overly exited for it. Wilbur on the other hand wasn't looking forward to not having that attention from Ellie 24/7...

Oh and before I forget to tell you dear Reader, Wilburs feelings for Elisabeth didn't go away as he thought they would but shhh you haven't heard that from me ;)

——-time-skip 3 weeks————

(Elisabeth pov)
I knocked at Wilburs door.
"G'night Will" I said
"Night Ellie" he smiled warmly.
I went to my room and changed into my pjs.
Because I had uni the next day I decided to go to bed early.

I was already fast asleep when I heard a buzzing noise.
*buzz* *buzz*, *buzz* *buzz*
What's that? I ask myself.
I saw my phone ringing. It's Ginny. Shit, I totally forgot to call her or text her. I answer quickly.

"Hey gin" I say casually
"Oh my god Ellie! Were where you, I've tried to reach you for ages!" She said aggravated.
"I'm sorry my phone broke so I had to get a new one and I lost all of my messages and phone numbers . Wait what time is it?" I looked at the time on my phone. 2:06. I mean not too late.
"Elisabeth, you still there?" Ginny asked
"Hay, d'you wanna go spray painting?" I asked spontaneously.
"I mean yea but last time we did we nearly got caught and for the record I haven't been spraying for at least 3 years" she said a tiny bit surprised.
"Doesn't matter let's meet at Stockwell skatepark in 20 min. I'm gonna bring the paint" I suggested
"Um ok See u in 20min"

I went to my closet and changed into some black leggings and a hoodie with some running shoes.

—————————————————A took my backpack and put 4 or 5 cans of Spray paint in the it as well as a flashlight and 2 cans of monster Ultra violet

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A took my backpack and put 4 or 5 cans of Spray paint in the it as well as a flashlight and 2 cans of monster Ultra violet. I went out of my room and looked for some spare keys to bring so I wouldn't have to wake Wilbur up when I get back.

To be honest I didn't want Wilbur to know that I spray paint or do illegal shit sometimes.

I had just found the Key's when I knocked a glass over, luckily the glass was empty but still the sound it made could've even woken a deaf person.

"Hello?" I heard a sleepy voice say.
"Elisabeth? What are you doing? Why are you dressed? What time is it" he looked very tired and even more confused. Shit. 
"It's 2:10 in the morning what are you doing?" Double shit
"Oh um i was just going to a friend of mine hehe" he still looked very confused.
"Why are you hanging out with a friend this late at night?" How do I explain this to him?
"Um well I don't know I um.. it's not even that late...I think I'm going to go now, can't let my friend wait!" I said walking to the door.
"What no! It's focking two in the morning, and it's dangerous at this time you could get kidnapped or Stabbed or some shit!" I got quite annoyed
"Omg don't get so agitated" I proceeded opening the door but got stopped by Wilbur.
"I'm not going to let you go! And anyway why do you have a backpack with you-" I cut him off
"FOCK OFF YOUR NOT MY DAD! gosh" (daddy issues..) I yelled and stormed out of the apartment. I heard Wilbur call my name but i just ignored him and walked to the place me and Ginny where going to meet.

After 15 min of walking I finally arrive. I rushed to Ginny and gave her a big bear hug. When I let go I saw tears form in her eyes.
"Why are you crying?" I asked concerned
"It's nothing I just really missed you! D'you have the paint?" She wiped away her tears with her sleeves. I gave her the paint and a can of monster wich I packed as well.

We've been spraying for a wile when I saw a car drive by. Him.
"Ginny we have to go" I said and packed the paint back into my backpack.
"What why-oh shit" she said and gave me the rest of the paint.
Four guys, including him, had seen us and walked towards us.
"We have to go like now" I whispered and started walking faster.

So if you didn't know my ex boyfriend is who I'm referring to as him but he's actually called Mike. Mike was in a sort of well gang if I may say so. And if you also didn't know we broke up a few months ago because he was very abusive and just a total jackass to say the least. But who would've thought he didn't want to break up because that guy thought he "owns" me. Yea I don't get it ether.
So now you're asking yourself, Elisabeth why was he walking towards you and Ginny? Well to sum it up for you:
Mike wants to have me back so him and his gang are tying to sort of find me and kidnap me :) yea.

"Ok Listen" ,Ginny said, "I'm gonna run that way and your gonna run the other way but don't run home until your sure that they're not following you anymore" I just nodded.
"Now" she yelled and I started running.

I looked behind me and saw two of the men run after me.
I just ran, I don't now where I was going. After about 5min of what felt like running a marathon I tripped and fell right onto the pavement. shit. I didn't have enough time to check if my knee was ok I just felt the adrenaline bubble inside my veins.

I looked behind me but the guys were gone, instead I herd a motor of a car come closer, so without thinking I slid under a car to hind. I looked at my legs and they were both bleeding and bruised the same with the palm of my left hand.

Shit shit shit shit

I thought. I heard the sound come closer and two pairs of feet got out of the car. I saw the two people walk past the car I was under. Luckily they didn't look under it. after some time they stepped back into their car and drove away.
I waited a few more minutes and tried to find my way back home.

After twenty minutes of walking tho my apartment I opened the door and saw Wilbur sleeping on the couch.

(Wilbur POV)
I heard the front door open and someone ,who I figured was Elizabeth, come in. I opened my eyes and saw her slowly walk to the kitchen counter.
I herd muffled sobs escape her mouth.
"Elisabeth? You ok?" Is stood up and walked toward her.

A/n: tadaaa sorry for not uploading in a while I just didn't now what to write :/ but I'm back! With a bunch of ideas so be exited for the next few chapters (;

And as always be sure to eat and drink something! Love you <3

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