Chapter Six: Hospital Work

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By the second day of the hospital operation Jay was beginning to have second thoughts about its' chances for success.  Beckett had reported back that Benson had seemed a bit perturbed when he was informed the injured Detective had been hospitalised at Mercy Memorial after taking a turn for the worse.  No one knew quite what to make of the HS Directors' reaction, especially Murphy, and that had everyone on edge.  The East Wing of Floor 5 had been fitted with various surveillance cameras at Mouses' instruction and the IT Specialist was stationed in a surveillance van with Beckett hoping to spot their quarry on one of several monitors.

Jays' room was at the end of a long hallway, apparently guarded by a single uniformed Police Officer but in reality the Intelligent Unit members took turns in the role. The second bed in the small room was also permanently occupied by a member of the Unit. Jays' pleas that a private single room would be more appropriate had fallen on deaf ears. He could not protest about having someone guarding the door as Wells would expect them to be taking security measures. While one person stayed with him and another took on the guise of a Patrol Officer the others took on the roles of Maintenance Personnel, donning disguises to ensure Wells was not spooked if he did show up. They had to assume Benson had appraised Wells of the investigation team members. A glance at his watch told Jay it was nearing ten after nine,
the night skies matching the grim mood he was in.

"I hope he comes soon," Al stated softly from the other bed where he lay in the semi darkness dressed in a t-shirt as a pyjama top to fool any visitor, although he remained in his jeans under the covers, his gun in his hidden hand ready for anything.
"He might send someone else," Jay reminded with a caution, they had discussed the possibility before they began the operation.
"Well if he does I hope it's not Benson."
"Can't see Benson coming here.  He'd be taking too much of a risk."
"Maybe Wells won't give him a choice."
"Maybe," Jay agreed around a yawn.
"Get some rest Kid, I got the watch."
"Thanks," Jay acquiesced, knowing he could relax with the ex Sniper watching his six and although sleeping was not usually advisable during this type of operation his body was crying out for a break from tbe discomfort which seemed to have taken up permanent residence within his battered frame.

Surveillance Van

"You served in the Rangers with Halstead didn't you?" Beckett asked as he finished yet another cup of coffee and tossed the empty cup into a nearby overflowing bin.
"Who told you that?" Mouse momentarily looked away from the small screens in front of him.
"Heard some of the guys talking in the Break Room the other day.  I was just curious."
"Yeah," Mouse returned to monitoring the live footage before them, "we served together.  He was my Lieutenant."
"Can I ask you something?" Beckett checked, his nervousness betrayed by the way he fidgeted on his chair.
"You can ask," Mouse decreed without looking at his companion, "can't promise I'll answer though."
"Fair enough.  I was wondering why none of ye have ........ tackled me over Halstead getting hurt.  I wouldn't blame ye if ye wanted to punch my lights out."
"We promised not to retaliate against you," Mouse replied after a brief silence, the urge to punch the man in the face had been hard to overcome.
"If you want to punch my lights out I promise Voight will never hear about it from me."
"That's a tempting offer but Voight's not the one we made a promise to," Mouse divulged with a mirthless grin as he zoomed in on a hooded figure after entering the east stairwell.
"Then who ....,"
"Jay made us give our word you would not experience our wrath," Mouse explained, his eyes focused on the top right hand screen as he made short work, with flying fingers, of changing the angle of the camera which surveilled the stairwell entrance onto Floor 5.
"Why?" the FBI Agent was astonished by the injured Detectives' willingness to protect him.
"You were duped by Benson," Mouse explained his friends' reasoning before continuing sternly, "but I got to tell you I don't understand why you weren't suspicious when he approached you.  I mean he isn't even with the FBI."
"I know," Beckett admitted in chagrin, "but I think that's why I didn't suspect anything was wrong .....,"
"Seems Iike a red flag to me," Mouse accused as the hooded figure on the screen stopped on the 4th floor to tie his laces, "he had no authority over you."
"In hindsight it seems obvious," the contrite man agreed, "but he was very convincing and to be honest it just sounded so mundane that I didn't question him."
"He told me he was part of a multi-branch Oversight Committee. I understood he needed details of the investigation to ascertain how funds were being used.  Ironic thing is ...... I was the one being used."
"Guess he's a good liar," Mouse said with relief colouring his words as the figure on screen finished fixing his laces and shrugged off the hood exposing his face before entering the 4th Floor as he pinned on his ID badge and he recognised him from the Personnel Files as a Porter.
"Well I hope they throw the book at him!"
"You and me both."

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