Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ultimatum

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On his return from Headquarters Voight had been appraised by a sombre Al of the trios' visit to Van Cortlandt Park.  The Sergeant was glad now Kevin, Mouse and Burke had volunteered to grab some takeout as they wanted a change from the hotel fare.  Shrugging off his jacket Voight followed his oldest friend into the living area after accepting a freshly opened beer.

"So you figured we need time apart," the gruff man stated rather than asked as he sank down onto a plush armchair  with a rueful expression.
"You figure ye don't?"
"Hell Al I hate what this is doing to him."
"We all do," Al acknowledged readily before taking a sip of his own beer, "but on this we both know the Kid's right."
"It's too dangerous," a steely tone portrayed Voights' obvious displeasure.
"Not if we do it right."
"We have no idea what Lyles' reaction would be if Halstead made contact."
"Parker agrees with Jay that Lyle is going to want to end this now," Alo reminded.
"That's what bothers me."
"Jay suggested Lyle will want to end things now that his brother is gone. Thing is he was quite ambiguous about what 'end things' could mean and you and I both know the Kid is always looking at things from every angle."
"So what?  You don't expect Lyle to hand himself in?"
"Do you?" Voight countered knowingly.
"Jay never mentioned Lyle might want a permanent end," Al conceded reluctantly, "but it's definitely a possibility."
"A possibility you already considered my friend."
"Okay," Al shrugged in admission, "but unfortunately the Kids' plan is still the best option.  It might bring matters to an end quicker."
"And it might get Halstead killed."

Al leant back on the couch and considered the truth of those grim words.  At times like this he wondered why they chose such a risky job.  The amswer of course was simple.  A keen sense of duty spurred them on.  He just hoped that sense of duty didn't end up costing them their youngest Detective.


Van Cortlandt Park

As they strolled through the time worn forest Jay was unaware his Sergeant had an inkling of what he had disclosed to Parker, even if it was slightly off.  The perceptive Detective sensed that Lyle did not want to kill him but instead would expect him to commit murder.  They had discussed this topic a long time ago but it had not been raised recently and the Detective was hoping the others wouldn't bring it up before he had a chance to persuade Voight of the worthiness of his plan.  Sighing he stopped and glanced at his ever vigilant companions as they casually continued  scanning their environs for any possible threats.

"Guys ye have to stop letting Lyle set the agenda."
"What do you mean?" Adam demanded.
"This trip was meant to be a break from everything, a simple visit to a park, yet the two of ye have spent the time on high alert.  We took every precaution and we weren't followed."
"No harm in being careful," Antonio defended mildly.
"When necessary," Jay put in as he began walking again, "why pick here anyway?"
"We figured you like nature," Adam admitted off handedly.
"Thanks," Jay shook his head fondly, he never really would understand how he got so lucky with his friends, "of course we could also have gone somewhere else I like ......,"
"Such as?" Antonio asked suspiciously.
"Well there are a number of great roller coasters in New York and .....,"
"Hell no!"
"What he said," Adam insisted emphatically, "besides you don't even like flying even though you do it."
"True but a little bit of fear can be good for you," Jay explained with a mischevous grin.
"Tell you what if you agree to get some rest when we get back to the hotel Adam will ride on a roller coaster with you," Antonio magnanimously offered.
"I will?"
"You sure?" Jay ignored Adams' shocked  expression and addressed Antonio who was trying to keep a straight face.
"Course I'm sure."
"Why am I the one in the roller coaster?!" Adam interjected indignantly  
"I hate them," the Italian-American innocently explained.
"Well if you're sure," Jay made a show of reluctantly accepting the bargain.
"I'm positive," Antonio offered a hand to seal the deal and winked, "anything for a friend."
"Oh har har!" Adam spluttered, surely Jay wouldn't really expect him to follow through on Antonios' promise? Hell who was he kidding this was Jay ....

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