Chapter Twenty-Eight: Taking A Break

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Silence descended as Jay began speaking.

"Everything up to this point has been Lyle setting the agenda ....... the outcome .... he chose victims and killed them as he wanted.  We haven't really been able to get a handle on him.  This morning though leaving Philip for us to find was a different move altogether," the Detective hoped he was making the right decision as he continued, "if the ME confirms Philip was ill it would support Lyle ending the ..... game."
"What do you make of him offering his brother up to you?" Parker looked at the younger man intensely.
"Not sure that's what it was .... more likely Philip died and Lyle decided to use him to send a message to us."
"To you," the Psychologist corrected.
"Either way it indicates Lyle is finally ready to bring things to a conclusion."
"So what's your plan?" Mouse probed, he wasn't sure he really wanted to know the answer.
"I meet him and ......,"
"Like hell!"
"Not happening," Voight stated resolutely.
"It's time," Jay insisted calmly, although it wasn't a fully thought out plan it was the only viable one in his opinion.
"Not sure he'd go for another trap," Antonio commented evenly, he was as anxious as anyone else to close the case and get Jay back home but the risk seemed too high.
"I'm not talking about a trap."
"You want to meet him in person by yourself?!" Adam looked at his friend incredulously.
"It's the only option.  He knew this morning was a trap and he still got away."
"True," Murphy acknowledged gravely before stating the obvious, "but you're in no condition to tackle Lyle by yourself Detective.  You look like hell."
"Looks can be deceiving," Jay smiled without mirth, "I wouldn't suggest this if I wasn't up for it."
"Getting back to Philip being left in the garden," Parker wanted the other mans' opinion, "you ruled out him being left as a token but ....,"
"You're talking like Lyle is leaving trophies for Jay!" Adam cut in.
"It's a reasonable conclusion."
"How so?" Antonio checked, things were getting darker by the minute!
"We know Lyle is targetting Jay but he's also fighting his admiration for him."
"Could this case get any more twisted?" Kevin asked in disgust not expecting an answer.
"So are we satisfied Lyle is the one who tortured Jay and also assaulted him in the shipping container?" Mouse sent his former Lieutenant an apologetic look as he aired the query.
"What do you think Jay?" Al asked quietly.
"To be honest I'm not sure," the injured man looked down at his hands, "I know I saw something or picked up on something in the container to suggest twins but ....... I just can't remember what it was."
"The twin theory did fit with the different forms of attack," Voight put in helpfully, seeing his youngest subordinate unsure was a rare occurrence.
"It doesn't really matter does it?" Burke wondered aloud.
"We'll find out once Lyle is behind bars," Adam stated.
"We still haven't turned up anything with the Specialists," Murphy tried to  change tack.
"Meeting Lyle alone is the only option," Jay wasn't about to be diverted, "with Philip dead it changes everything."
"Maybe," Parker nodded, "but it might also spur Lyle onto bigger targets."
"Which is another reason for me to meet him."
"And how exactly would that go down?" Mouse demanded derisively.
"I'll meet him in a public place and ....,"
"That's too risky," Kevin insisted, "and he might decide to target the location."
"Thought of that."
"JFK," the pale Detective offered succinctly, around a yawn.
"Airport security could work to our advantage," Al mused.
"No way, not happening," Mouse shook his head.
"We'll consider our options after the briefing this afternoon," Murphy decreed after sharing a look with the Sergeant from Chicago.

The Assistant Director knew Voight would rebel against a meeting without any surveillance in place but what Jay said actually made sense.  With his brother dead the whole playing field had changed for Lyle. 


"Do you have a death wish?!  That plan only helps Lyle." Mouse demanded of his friend after following him into the empty Break Room.
"Nope," Jay answered as he retrieved a can of 7UP from the refrigerator and sank down at a nearby table before popping the tab, "it's self preservation."
"Walking willingly into the lions' den is the exact opposite of self preservation!"
"He won't be in familiar territory."
"You don't know that," Mouse countered as he sat down across from his friend, "but we do know you will be in unfamiliar territory."
"Knew you'd see things my way," Jay winked as he took a sip of the cool drink.
"Don't play word games with me!  You know I wasn't saying it's going to happen," the IT Specialist groused.
"Good because Voight figures he's in charge."
"Give me patience!"

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