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The fire rages across the fields engulfing the crops in the flames. Windows shatter as bricks are thrown through them, peasants screaming as the run for their lives. Soldiers hold back the rebels with all their might hoping the royal family is safe from all harm. Two soldiers have hidden the king and I —the queen—with our two children in a safe room and now block the entrance. The room is pitch black save for the two torches held by the soldiers. As the fire flicks patches of light hit the wall. Fuzzy, green moss growing, reaching out for the light. Water runs down the cobblestone walls and into the drain. This used to be a jail cell during World War 1. After My husband -- Edward -- took the throne and married me, he decided to turn them into shelters or safe rooms for the kingdom staff for situations like this one.

"They are not safe here." one of the guards says. 

"We can hold them off, they will be fine. Plus, all the other safe rooms are compromised. This is the only one left." says the other. 

Evaline, not more than four years old, is sitting in my lap. I hum a lullaby and try to keep her calm by braiding her hair. She has no idea the chaos that is happening above our heads right now. My son, Richard, stands in the corner of the room talking with the Edward about their next move to take on the rebels. Richard, from a very young age, was always trying to help run the kingdom. Now that he is fourteen, Edward is starting to take him serious and grooming him for his role as future King.

"We could put together a counterattack on them." Richard suggests. 

"No, they would see that coming from a mile away. We don't have the upper hand right now." replies the Edward. The banging and yelling have stopped. The two guards open the doors and leave us in the safe room alone. The cold, frigid air nipping at my skin underneath my night gown. The guards come back about thirty minutes later to tell us the kingdom is clear. I get up and hand a now sleeping Evaline off to one of the guards.

"That was the third attack this month alone. We have to do something." I say more to myself than anyone else. Edward pulls me into his chest for a hug and kisses my forehead.

"It will all be over soon." he says.

"I don't want her to live in fear." I say looking at Evaline's sleeping figure in the guard's arms. 

"She is better protected within these walls than anywhere else." says my Richard. The sound of a gun firing pulls everyone out of the conversation. A group of rebels jump out of the shadows behind us and take hold of Richard.

"He comes with us and no one follows unless you want your only heir to die." one of them grumbles under his breath. Tears spill down my cheeks. Evaline is still sound asleep in the guard's arms. 

"He is not going anywhere with you. You will all put your weapons down or today will be your last day." Edward growls as he pulls me behind his monstrous figure.

"You're going to be cleaning your sons brains off these polished floors in two minutes if you don't lower your weapons."

 "Put your weapons down." I command. 

"What?!" Edward shouts. 

"I said for everyone to stand down." everyone puts their weapons down and I cry as they slowly back away from where we stand, my son in their clutches. Hang on baby. We will find a way to get you back.


"What were you thinking?!" Edward shouts. I stay seated knowing it is better for me to not speak at all. A Queen is to never speak out of turn.

"He is our only son and you just let them walk right out the door with him. Answer me!"

"You think I wanted to? He is my son too. He has a better chance to survive with them now than he would if we had opened fire. He would be dead. I wasn't thinking of our kingdom, I was thinking of my families survival. Now can we please stop talking about it." I say through tears.  Edward walks over and sits down next to me on the bed. 

"I know you were trying to help. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, I just felt so helpless knowing there was nothing that I could do to save him. We will find him. I know it wasn't your fault and should never have made you feel like it is." he says as he consoles me. He grabs a glass of water and hands it tom me as I sit on the bed realizing what the world has come to. My family isn't safe and I will do what I can to protect what is left of it. I set the cup down on the varnished table next to our bed and turn to face Edward.

"We have to give her up. At least until this war is over. She isn't safe here, she'll have a target on her back. I don't want her to grow up in fear of what might happen to her every time she turns a corner."

"She will be fine; we will make sure she is well protected." Edward says.

"We thought that our son was well protected and now look at where he is." I cry. My whole-body shudders as the events of tonight play through my head again and again.

"We can tell everyone that she was taken when our son was. No one would think to really look for her right in plain sight. She could live a semi normal life." I say through tears.

"Ok. I know who we can call."


"Thank you again for meeting us." I say to Mr. and Mrs. Jones. They are two agents fresh out of the academy. I wanted a married couple who could take care of her under any circumstance. I wanted someone who could teach her how to take care of herself. The Jones's come highly trained and even more highly recommended.

"Oh no, thank you for asking us." Mrs. Jones says. She looks around and takes in the wonders of the castle. Right now we are sitting in my court. The room where only my ladies are aloud unless a man is given permission by me. Even Edward cannot come in if see fit. Mrs. Jones rubs her hand across the velvet chair and smiles. She is amazed by the slightest touch.

"I know you might be wondering why we have asked you here. My husband and I wish to ask you to take our daughter and raise her." I say through tears as they trickle down my red splotched face. Mrs. Jones looks from Edward to me and then to her husband astonished and bewildered.

"Oh no, what for? You both are lovely people why do you want to give up your child? We could never give her a better life than what she already has here." Mrs. Jones asks quietly. She motions to the crystal chandelier, the golden end table, and the painting to go from floor to ceiling on each wall.

"Our son—" my voice hitches in my throat and I can't seem to find the words. I haven't actually said them. I feel as if I say them then it will only make the situation real and I don't want this to be true. Edward takes hold of my arm and pulls me into his chest.

"This information has not been released to the public yet, so we ask for your discretion with this news. Our son has been taken prisoner by the rebels and we feel that it is within our daughters' best interest to be given up. We want her to be able to live a semi normal life without looking over her shoulder all time afraid of what might happen." Mr. Jones takes the initiative on this one. Making sure to be as polite as possible.

"It would be our pleasure. Is there anything else we can do for you?" he asks. 

"That is all for now." Edward says as he stands. I have finally composed myself enough to speak again.

"It was a pleasure to meet you. Please take care of my baby girl." I say as I offer my hand to Mrs. Jones. She takes my hand and gently pulls me down to her ear.

"We'll take care of her as if she was our own flesh and blood. Your daughter could not be safer with anyone else."

"Thank you." I whisper back. This is it. I'm really doing it. I'm giving up my last child.

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