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[Congratulations! You have been chosen to test out the company new product. All Host needs to do is have fun and survive in your new environment. Host will be given achievements and rewards if Host does tasks and missions. We will transfer Host into the novel "The Beginning After the End"]

Wow, gee, thank you mysterious voice in my head for forcefully making me abandon my life and unwillingly transferring me into another world that is created by some author. Really thank you, I always wanted this.

[Are you being serious or sarcastic?]

What do you think? Of course I'm being sarcastic, you stupid system! I was literally ripped out of my own life. For what? Entertainment?

[Yeah but your life sucked anyways]

Shut up!

[Anyways.... Host can choose three abilities of choice. Later on, on Host's journey, Host can unlock new abilities]



As in a superpower?

[As in a superpower]

Nevermind this is great.

[Abilities have been chosen]

Chosen Abilities
-Theft | Host have the ability to steal others abilities temporarily 

-Reflect | Host can reflect any power that is launched against them without being harmed. Reflects whatever power or magic projected towards the Host back at it's own user

-Knowledge | Host can gather, gain and give information on anything and anyone in remarkable time

[What is Host reasons for these abilities?]

Must I tell you?

[Host doesn't have to]

Hmmm.... Fine, I'll tell you System. I might as well since I'm most likely stuck with you for the rest of my life or at least until this experiment ends. If you like, me and you can be friends. Friends tell each other everything, right?

[Friends? Friends with Host? I never had a friend before....]

Me neither.

[I know]

Shut up!

[Anyways.... Please tell me now]

Sure since you asked and we're friends now. I chose Theft as a power move. When I enter the novel I'll use this ability as a secret power move.


Are you being serious or sarcastic?

[What do you think? Of course I'm being serious, stupid Host]

Hey! Don't use my words against me! That is rude, you are rude! I WANT A NEW SYSTEM!

[Too bad your stuck with me]


[Anyways.... What about the other two?]

I chose Reflect as a defense ability and because I hate pain.




Anyways.... I chose Knowledge because I can know things and make a living off of it even though it will attract a lot of bad people....

[At least you have a plan on how to get get money and making some sort of living....]

Thank you.

[Your welcome. Now Host you will be given skill options. Host gets to choose three skills. Later on, on Host's journey, Host can unlock more skills]

Skill Available

[Skills have been chosen]

Skills Chosen
-Cooking | Teach cooking, cook anything, culinary expertise, administrative skills, amazing taste buds and cook food that suits anyone's taste buds

-Hunting | Hunt anything, tracking skills, blacksmith skills, survival skills, enhance senses and making anything a weapon

-Farming | Teach farming, people skills, organization skills, problem-solving skills, management skills, gardening skills and harvesting skills

[Host there is one more thing that must be done before you start your new life in "The Beginning After the End"]

What is it System?

[My superiors have allowed me to grant you one wish]

A wish? But why?

[It's a thank you for participating and an apology for doing this against your own will]

Oh.... Thank you?

[They still think your a pussy because you can't handle pain]

Those son of a bitches!

[Anyways.... Your wish?]

Hmmm.... I always did wanted to be a Ruler.... "The Beginning After the End" have magic, mana and mana beast, correct?


Mana beast don't have a Ruler because they have bonds or wills with humans, elves and dwarves or because they are out in the wild surviving, correct?


I would like to be the Ruler of all Mana Beasts.

[The Ruler of all Mana Beast? But to be the Ruler of Mana Beast you must have the Taming Skill or be a Mana Beast yourself.... Oh I see you want to be a Mana Beast, correct?]

Yes, I wish to be reborn as a powerful Mana Beast that no one has ever seen. That Mana Beast shall become the Ruler of all Mana Beast.

[What a strange Host I have.... Your wish is my command]

What are you? Are you the Genie from Aladdin now?

[Wish granted]

Wish Chosen
Become a powerful Mana Beast that becomes the Ruler of all Mana Beast


[Initiating transfer to new world....]


[Transfer complete]

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