Chapter 2

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[Alert! Current update of the novel: Arthur Leywin meets Twin Horns. The journey to Saplin begins]

Thank you Host for the update.

[Your welcome Host]

These pass years have been the best years I had ever had in my life. I thought I'll never be happy. But since I was given this opportunity despite it being against my own will. I'm glad I was chosen even though I know this won't last forever.

[Host have new tasks to complete]

Hunt lower mana beast: 0/10

Hunt middle mana beast: 0/10

Hunt higher mana beast: 0/10

[Host have a new mission to complete]

Convince Host father to leave the dungeon


Dammit! How am I suppose to complete these task if papa won't allow me to hunt with him or leave the dungeon. This sucks! But I have achieve something pass these years. I have one ability and one skill. System show profile status.

[Command granted]

[Profile activated]

Host Profile
Name: Arius
Age: 3
Gender: Neutral
Species: ? ? ? ?
Sexuality: ? ? ? ?
Alias: Royalty

Host Abilities
-Theft | Host have the ability to steal others abilities temporaily or permanetly

-Reflect | Host can reflect any power that is launched against them without being harmed. Reflects whatever power or magic projected towards the Host back at it's own user

-Knowledge | Host can gather, gain and give information on anything and anyone in remarkable time

-Flight | Host can fly or levitate

Host Skills
-Cooking | Teach cooking, cook anything, culinary expertise, amazing taste buds and administrative skills

-Hunting | Hunt anything, tracking skills, blacksmith skills, survival skills, enhance senses and making anything a weapon

-Farming | Teach farming, people skills, organization skills, problem-solving skills, management skills, gardening skills and harvesting skills

-Music | Teach music, play any instrument, suit anyone music taste and sing amazingly

Host Current Location: Beast Glades

Host Current Circumstances: Host is motherless because humans had killed her. Host have a powerful, overprotective father that will do anything for his child. Father have a hatred towards humans.

Current update of the novel: Arthur Leywin meets Twin Horns. The journey to Saplin begins

[End Profile]

I am Arius. Papa calls me Ari. It is too cute but I'm just glad I have a decent name. It's better than my real name. In the real world my name is Rat. I am named Rat because apparently I look like one and act like one too. It didn't help that I steal for a living because that was my only way to survive. But Arius is way better than Rat.

Everything is all new to me. It's strange, terrifying even yet I feel excitement too. It's complicated and confusing. All I know is that I'm enjoying my time here so far even though I know it won't last forever.

Despite only being 3 years I have already succeeded with so much. But it appears most of my skills I have will be wasted because I have an super overprotective father. He loves me and I love him but his protectiveness is suffocating. I had more freedom when I was in the real world here not so much.

System show character profile.

[Command granted]

[Characters profiles activated]

#1 Profile
Name: Emprys
Age: ? ? ? ?
Gender: Male
Species: ? ? ? ?
Sexuality: Straight
Alias: Mana Beast King | Arius Father

-Flight | Fly or levitate

-Portals | Create portals that lead to different locations

-Elements | Control the elements and sub-elements

-Healing | Heal wounds, cure illness and regeneration

-Fortune | Predict 10 minutes of the future and see the past

-Weapon | Create and summon magical and non-magical weapons

-Command | Physically, emotionally and mentally control others

-Granting | Grant wishes

-Protection | Create barriers, shields and force-fields

-Knowledge | Gather, gain and give information on anything and anyone in remarkable time

-Enhancement | Enhance senses, speed, strength, stamina, endurance, agility and abilities

-Wild Card | Copy others abilities

-Helping Hand | Shapeshift into anyone and anything

-Pain Intensity | Increase or decrease pain levels

Backstory: Not much is known about Emprys or his origins but he always had a hatred for humans due to destructive behaviour and their need to control and dominate. He met his mate ? ? ? ? and fell in love unfortunately after giving birth to Arius humans invaded their home and killed his mate. His hatred for humans grew stronger

[End Profile]

Papa cool huh? Papa the best! I love papa a lot! But there is a lot I don't know about papa that I wish I did. When I try to find out more for some reason it won't work. I can't even use my Knowledge power on him. It probably because I don't have enough mana yet. But papa is extremely powerful that's it's almost terrifying. That must be why he is the King of all Mana Beast. One day I'll be the Ruler of all Mana Beast. But I will have to work for it.

Suddenly the ground below me begun to shake. Loud, booming footsteps quickly approaches my direction. Few seconds later a shadow casts over me blocking almost all light in the dungeon I call home.

Who could it be?

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