Chapter 1

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[Congratulations! Host has successfully enter the novel "The Beginning After the End", how does Host feel?]

I feel fine I guess. A little bit of a headache but fine.

[The headache will disappear soon, don't worry. Now Host before anything happens I must explain The System Rules]

Okay, go right ahead.

[Process complete]

The System Rules

Rule 1 | Host cannot change and ruin the major or main events in the novel

Rule 2 | Host cannot kill off important characters until it's near their death time

Rule 3 | Host cannot mention or tell anyone or anything about the System or our world

There will be alarm bells that will go off to give Host a warning if Host is breaking a rule


Is that all System?

[Confirmative. Host I will now open your profile that will have all Host's information documented. Throughout Host's journey the profile will change. Before I open Host's profile my Host must choose a gender]

Host gender










[Gender have been chosen]

Host gender
Host is a neutral

[Current status activated]

Host Profile
Name: ? ? ? ?
Age: Unborn
Gender: Neutral
Species: ? ? ? ?
Sexuality: ? ? ? ?
Alias: Royalty

Host Abilities
-Theft | Host have the ability to steal others abilities temporaily or permanetly

-Reflect | Host can reflect any power that is launched against them without being harmed. Reflects whatever power or magic projected towards the Host back at it's own user

-Knowledge | Host can gather, gain and give information on anything and anyone in remarkable time

Host Skills

-Cooking | Teach cooking, cook anything, culinary expertise, amazing taste buds and administrative skills

-Hunting | Hunt anything, tracking skills, blacksmith skills, survival skills, enhance senses and making anything a weapon

-Farming | Teach farming, people skills, organization skills, problem-solving skills, management skills, gardening skills and harvesting skills

Host Current Location: Beast Glades

Host Current Circumstances: Host is a unborn mana beast. Host is motherless because humans had killed her. Host have a powerful, overprotective father that will do anything for his child. Father have a hatred towards humans.

Current update of the novel: King Grey reborn as Arthur Leywin

[End Profile]

Why does this always happen to me?

[I do not understand Host]

Why? Why do I keep losing things. Back in the real world I was an orphan that has nothing to their name. No family. No friends. No home. I had nothing. Now entering into this novel I finally have something. Now it feels like my whole world is crumbling again. It's crumbling before I could even see my surroundings....

[Host.... I'm sorry.... I can't do anything about this. But your not alone. You will have a father soon.... You will have me. Please don't be sad my friend]

Friend.... Your right. I'm sorry I got so emotional.

[It is okay Host it is a natural thing for a human]

I'm no longer human anymore remember?

[Maybe not in the novel but in reality you will always be human]

I'll keep that in mind System and thank you.

[Your welcome Host. It is my duty as a System to do what is best for my Host]

What will I ever do without you?

[You would probably be dead already]

Not cool System. Not cool.

[Sorry I was trying to bring some humour in]

It's okay, I know you were only cheering me up and you were successful. Is there anything else I need to know?

[Confirmative. Host will be given tasks and missions to prefill. Tasks and missions will start off easy. The more tasks and missions Host completes the harder they become. But the rewards and achievements that comes with them are worth it]

Hmmm.... That doesn't sound too bad.

[Is Host ready to begin his journey?]

I am ready as I'll ever be.

[Journey begins]

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