chapter 10

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"What do you think is in this trunk, (name)?" Your master asks you innocently. "Clothing? Sweets? Weaponry?"

The man in black didn't show it, but you sensed an odd air of tension around him when he turned to look at alois as he touched upon his closed case. "I'm jealous of you." Alois suddenly pouted. "I bet you travel to all sorts of fine places, don't you?"

He started to carass the locks of the trunk as he continued on. "I wish I could travel sometime... take my lovely murdress out on a holiday..." his fingers were just about ready to grip the lock and pull at it. "This mansion's so dull."

"It's dull?" The man questioned, to which you look up to find an unsettling smile creep up his pale face.
"But I've been told that something interesting lies under this mansion."


"Yes?" Alois' face lit up like a fresh candle being set alight. "Like what?"

"We can strike a bargen," The man offers. "Show it to me, and I'll show you what's in this trunk."

"Oooh! Did you hear that, (name)?" He beams at you brightly, like a child that had just been offered and whole back of sweets. "We're going on a scavenger hunt!" He giggles in childish eagerness, practically hugging the trunk against his chest while you growled happily in response, kneading at the ground and swaying your tail in excitement. If it was one thing you loved, it was a good game with master. And it was a lovely scavenger hunt! You then direct a look up at the man to see if he shared your excitement...

...only to find that his smile had dropped into a rather bitter frown.

Something isn't right here.


At his command, you pawed at the door knob, opening the door with quite a bit of ease. The door lead down to what you assumed was the basement, given the musty scent that wafted from it.

Kind of creepy there...

You felt yourself hesitating at the darkness, but you were quickly brought out of it at the feeling of a good scritching behind your ear. "Good girl!" Alois praises, directing a pleased, if a little haughty look up at the man. "See, isn't she just the greatest?"

"Oh yes," The man agrees quietly. "A very well-mannered lady indeed."

Alois chuckled, quite pleased with his agreement. "Just follow us." With one hand clutching you collar and holding a three-pronged candle in the other, you carefully trotted down the stairs, slowly and carefully as to not throw your master off your back as you lead your mysterious guest down the rather short series of steps, deeper within the depths of the trancy basement.

And down in the musty, tea tainted air, you trotted through a series of shelves, which were with many forms of pottery, bottles of liquid you weren't familiar with and boxes of many sorts of tea. Techically human things you didn't really understand, or know about. Truthfully, you didn't pay it any mind. You were just glad to scavenger hunt with your lovely master.


You stopped, looking up and scanning the multiple shelves. Where there? You felt a tug at your collar, prompting you to look up in time to see him pointing at a specific shelf. "Over there, my dearest."

You look in the direction he was pointing at and saw a particularly highlighted box amongst the other dull colored boxes sitting upon a relatively high. Oh. Duh. As if it couldn't be more obvious. Too easy of a scavenger hunt win if you ask me...

You trotted over to the shelf and stood beneath it as your master plucked the box from its spot, examining the brightly colored box in his hands with contemplation. "What this?" He seemed confused at the find, lowering it to your face, letting you sniff it curiously. "It's just tea."

"It's new moon drop." The man corrects, leaning closely to the young blonde. "People say tea leaves plucked at a full moon give off a clear, sweet smell." He explains, to which you look at him quizzically. Where's he going with this? "These are the opposite, however, having been plucked at the new moon. Their in indistinct aroma can bring a mind to total, bottomless darkness. It has another name. It's called the soul's temperature."

...just where do these humans get these kind of things??

The man was already reaching for it when Alois leaned away from him. "Not quite yet!" This seemed to catch the man off guard, as your master put on a mischievous smile, holding the box close to him. "No need to get prickly, I promise I'll show it to you," he looks up at the top hat individual with smug blue eyes, swinging his legs over so he was no longer straddling your back, rather he was now side sitting on your back, allowing him to cross one leg over the other. "But one thing first."

"That's right."

Your fur pricked at the familiar, flat voice, and turned to see none other that spider demon Claude himself, only now he was equipped with golden silverware in his fists. "First, you'll hand over that trunk."


Before you could even process what was happening, Claude suddenly whips his arm, easily throwing the three golden strips like darts at the cloaked man, effectively knocking off his top hat...

...revealing an equally pale-skinned, black haired male, his ruby eyes gleaming with hatred. that...?

"Sebastian Michaelis."

Your eyes widened. You've heard of him before. Master's mentioned him multiple times...

But if he's here... then that means...

You whipped your head around to find the top hat shuffling, and at once, a (color) bundle of fur slipped out of it, shaking herself off revealing to be a rather beaten up Javanese, who glared at the spider butler with a single (color) eye.

Your claws unsheathed once you realized who you were staring at.

The Phantomhive Feline...

Plot twist!~


Merry Xmas!

[On Hold!] ♢A Trancy Tigress♢ Alois Trancy x Tiger readerWhere stories live. Discover now