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The Rich Woman Is No Longer Acting Chapter 57:
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At night, Meng Chu lay in bed and couldn't sleep. When she wanted to land Jingan, she couldn't help but smiled, and then turned over and over again. Finally, I simply sat up and swiped Weibo with my phone.

The news of Chen Jinfeng and He Xiu's dissolution of their marriage continued on the Internet, and the discussion was quite high. When Meng Chudian entered, Chen Jinfeng had just posted a Weibo.

[Chen Jinfengv: It's all my fault and will be compensated. Please stop guessing. 】

This is Chen Jinfeng's plan to take the blame, and there is compensation, he really is sincere to He Xiu.

Unfortunately, this drama has just begun.

Mrs. Chen recorded a video and uploaded it to the Internet. In the video, she burst into tears, describing how much her son had done for He Xiu, and even made it clear to the public why the two men broke their marriage.

She said: "We Jinfeng broke the marriage contract with Mengchu for you and compensated her. In order to let you terminate the contract with the entertainment company and sell the assets, you know how much liquidity we have in Jinfeng, you ask him to spend several hundred million. If you are asked to bring capital into the team, what should his company do, the company will not continue to open?"

Because of this video of Mrs. Chen, Chen Jinfeng is against the wind and the stock price rises even if it doesn't fall!

Li Meng lost herself in the melon field. Not only did she stay up late, she also talked with Meng Chu by voice.

Li Meng: "You said it was the Chen family's idea or Chen Jinfeng's idea. If it was Chen Jinfeng's idea, then he would be too cruel. He won his favor in front of the media unscathed and threw all the pots to Ho. Show, there were some comments on their topic on the Internet before, but now there are no comments."

Meng Chu: "It should be the decision of the Chen family."

"how do you know?"

"I still believe he likes He Xiu."


This is what the former fiancee said. He Xiu did not believe Meng Chu! ?

Meng Chu: "I'll go to bed first. I will make an appointment with Lu Jingan to go shopping tomorrow."


Chen family.

When Chen Jinfeng returned home, neither Madam Chen nor Chairman Chen slept, as if they were waiting for him. Chen Jinfeng came back for online affairs, and they have not seen each other for a long time. Chen Jinfeng wanted to say something, but when Chairman Chen was not particularly straight, Chen Jinfeng was silent.

This company was not created by Chen Jinfeng himself, but passed down from generation to generation. He has no qualifications and willfulness.

Madam Chen's eyes were red: "Son, when you come back, go back and rest soon."

Chen Jinfeng: "Yeah."

Chen Jinfeng walked slowly toward the front! Then, thinking about how to tell He Xiu about this.

Chairman Chen: "Think about how many employees the company has. You don't know if Meng Chu will use this opportunity to step on you, so this method is the best."

Chen Jinfeng: "I see."

After a pause, Chen Jinfeng said: "I know Meng Chu's character. She will not end unless it makes her unhappy."

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