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The Rich Woman Is No Longer Acting Chapter 4:
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Chen Jinfeng received the SMS consumption reminder. The first reaction was that Meng Chu's bank card was lost. It was not Meng Chu who swiped the card. After all, Meng Chu never used his card. Not to mention, even if he wants to consume anything, he will not consume as much as a freshman. Money.

Without waiting for Chen Jinfeng to ask, Meng Chu took the initiative to say, "Jinfeng, do you dislike me for spending less, it doesn't matter, I will try to spend money."

Even through the phone, Chen Jinfeng could imagine the appearance of Meng Chu now, with soft jade and soft flowers, and perhaps his eyes were still red. But what Meng Chu said this time, how could he feel that he didn't understand what he said.

Meng Chu said in a low voice: "I don’t know. Being your fiancee and not spending more money will make you ashamed and feel that you can’t even support your own woman. I like you so much. I won't spend money to gossip about you."

Chen Jinfeng dropped a casual sentence and hung up the phone.

Meng Chu was so sad: "It must be because I don't have enough credit cards."

She hugged Li Meng and leaned on Li Meng's shoulder: "Meng Meng, I can't do anything well, even with his card."

Li Meng patted Meng Chu on the shoulder: "It's okay, it's okay, Chen Jinfeng will know that you are good one day."

After witnessing the whole process, Meng Mang took the earrings he bought, and went back without even saying hello.

In order to show everyone how much he loves Chen Jinfeng, Meng Chu swiped his card in the mall all morning, and his feet hurt when he walked around, so he returned to the apartment.

Lying on the sofa, Meng Chu drank water comfortably.

The system prompts: "Host, please prepare the next female drama!"

In the next female supporting plot, after the heroine returned to China and made a stunning appearance, Meng Chu went to Chen Jinfeng to express his thoughts on him sincerely, but in exchange for Chen Jinfeng's sentence, I know.

Meng Chu felt that she could swipe Chen Jinfeng's card a few times to comfort herself.

The days flew to two days later.

The news of the heroine's return has reached its peak. Her photos at the airport were also posted on a Weibo hot search. The title of the hot search is #你進進好,我们就是都在#. Originally, many fans of the heroine are pretty attractive. Fans, now they are even more excited to see that the heroine's looks are still the same.

Meng Chu also took a look at the photo of the heroine at the airport. It was very gorgeous and not vulgar, and it was two extremes with the female drama she was holding.

According to the original plot, Meng Chu wore a blue dress that suits her personality, looking like a flower swaying in the wind, and after a few seconds satisfied with her successful image, she set off to Chen's house.

Today is the weekend. Mrs. Chen asked someone to play cards at home, and Chen Jinfeng rarely rested at home. Meng Chu and Mrs. Chen greeted them quickly, and cautiously went upstairs to look for Chen Jinfeng.

Those who played cards together knew something about Chen Jinfeng. Someone asked Mrs. Chen: "He Xiu has returned to China, what is your son's attitude?"

Mrs. Chen: "What kind of attitude can you have, this is not a good relationship with your fiancée." After finishing speaking, she didn't mention a word. If she said Chen Jinfeng's true attitude, it was not a joke for them to make Chen Jiacheng other people after dinner.

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