The Wretched Party

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My body trembled as I heard the screams of my little sister. My body almost lodged on top of her to shield her from what seemed like impending doom. Our mother's blood seeping into my shoes and pants as I breathed heavily, my mind blank.

How did I get here? What could I have done to prevent this?


Kathy pushed me and Angel into the small party. Everything was going well. Small presents were passed out and a cake was sitting on the table.

But an uninvited guest seemed to show up. A man with eyes as cold as ice, and hair as dark as the night. He looked at my mother with a calculating gaze.

I watched as mother stiffened in her seat and suddenly yelled. "No! You can't have them!"

The man chuckled cruelly, "They are my children, Victoria why can't I?"

My mother cried, "You can't take them from me, I can't live without them!"

Her body fell to the ground in front of me. My sister's body lurched forward towards where our mother laid. I was frozen in my seat, fear eating me alive.

Suddenly my body reacted on its own, my lungs burning, where I positioned myself above my wailing sister. I met the man's eyes and I couldn't deny that they  without a doubt held likeness to my own.


I felt Kathy throw herself in front of us. Her body trembling much like my own as she got down on her knees and begged the man. She begged him for our lives.

The man this time seemed to accept this behavior, he spoke to Kathy, "You must be the maid. Get them packed in an hour. I will send someone to pick them up and clean up this mess" his eyes motioned downwards towards the 'mess' he had made.

She immediately grabbed my sister in her arms and yanked my own arm for me to follow. It was painful, my small limbs could barely handle the grip she held on me. But in that moment, I knew that she was our chance to survive.

She rushed us into a room and whispered, "don't cry ok. don't cry" but her tear ducts betrayed her as she put us down, to do what she was ordered too.

Finally I felt as my own mind came back to me. I started to comfort my sister, the adrenaline from when my own father used to beat me rushed into my veins acting as a temporary strength to face this cruel reality.

Kathy rushed into our rooms and grabbed any clothes and anything we could need.

I wiped away the tears that had been threatening to spill from my eyes, and spoke, "Angel, it's going to be okay. Big brother is going to protect you" I watched as her tiny doe eyes teared up and smashed her head into my small chest.

  I held her hand as we were loaded into a carriage. It held the familiar crest from the game. The one from the Villianess's household and in that moment I knew. I knew that my suspicions were true, and I knew that I could've stopped the tragedy that had unfolded in front of my eyes.
  I watched as Kathy boarded to carriage with us. Sitting between us, and hugging us the whole ride. Their was no time to worry about where we were going or why such a thing happened. Only silence and fear.

Soon we arrived at a mansion. The huge gates opening to allow the carriage inside.

The sky was gray above us and the mansion itself had a huge dull garden in front of it. It wasn't long before we were being dragged into the structure. Rather than a home it seemed to be a dungeon.

Servants lined the entrance towards towards what I assumed was the entrance. They bowed and a man who I assume is in charge began to speak, his white hair and wrinkles showed no emotion as he gazed at Kathy, "You will continue being their Nanny, the lord has ordered it. I will guide you towards where the young master and lady will be staying"

The winding halls seemed to all look the same. And we soon came towards two rooms right beside each other. One for me and another for Angelica.

The man spoke once again, "My name is Dean, I am the head butler. I will guide Miss Kathy toward her quarters"

Angelica held Kathy's dress tightly. Desperately trying to prevent separation. Kathy motioned towards the butler, "I need to get the young master and young lady changed. I will inspect my quarters afterwards"

It was evident Kathy was nervous but obvious that she felt responsible for us.

Dean seemed displeased but agreed with a "very well, prepare them for bed"

  I motioned down toward Kathy and said "stay with Angel, I can change myself Kathy"

  She nodded. She followed Angel into a room as I went into my own.

I inspected the room. It was a rich person room. The walls were bare but the huge king sized bed and giant closet displayed the wealthy of my father? My mouth smirked with disgust. What kind of father does what he did?

I scanned the room and started to shuffle through my closet. The suffocating need to get out of the clothes drenched in my mother's blood suddenly evident.

Soon enough I was wearing blue pajamas. And I noticed that the rooms were connected through a small door. This brought me a small comfort knowing that Angel and Kathy were just in the other room.

Kathy came from the other room. Angel was fully dressed in a small nightgown that seemed to envelope her whole body.

She rushed over to me and started fixing my buttons that I embarrassingly did all wrong. Her look of concern seemed to realize how unlike me this was. And she knew the reason.

Despite having separate rooms, she tucked me and Angel into the same bed. My bed. She couldn't stay as she had to find the servants chambers. She just didn't want us to be alone.

As soon as she left, Angelica held my hand tight. We spent the night just holding each other, not knowing what was going to happen.

Guilt coerced through me. All I could think was that my promise to protect them was pathetic. How could I protect anything I loved with this pathetic body.

Sleep never came for me, as I watched my sister in silence.

He wasn't a father, he was a monster. A monster who looked like me.

A/N: Nearly a year after the last chapter I'm back! *nervous laughter* Yeah I know not cool on my part. Unfortunately, depression and other things are a birch, and suddenly I got inspiration from another comic!

Not sure whether I should go the harem route or go with the boy I had planned to be Azreal's partner. Not sure yet! Which would you guys prefer? I always kinda imagined this book to be kinda smutty, and so multiple partners wouldn't be a problem. Although I imagine him as a total bottom lol.

Also I know this isn't the best chapter I've ever written. Probably my least favorite but I decided to just write instead of worry about it! I hope you guys are enjoying it!

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