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She from Texas so the song makes sense!

Name: Jayden Lynn Timber
Gender: Female
Nickname: Jalyn

Pack: Red Moon Falls
Pack Position: Alpha's daughter (next-in-line)

Parents: James Kian Timber 37
Eva May Timber 36

Siblings: Jordan Fell Timber 15,
Sam Jay Timber 13,
Robin Kian Timber 11,
Taylor May Timber 9
(all sisters)

Likes: Guns, hunting, tracking, fighting, mudding, swimming, horseback riding, trucks, order
Dislikes: Cities, cars, parties, rap music, surprises, and disorder.

Description: Creamy Golden Tan with muscle toned body. Dark Red Hair that reaches just below her rib cage with eyes that are blue, but the color changes with her mood, like sad-> baby blue, anger-> dark ring around the outer edge, happy-> sky blue, annoyed-> silver/grey. Scars cover most of her back and chest, bullet wounds are also seen on chest and back.

Past: Pretty normal childhood, graduated at 17, joined the Marine Corps  7 months later, survives boot camp and training, gets deployed to Iraq for 2 years comes back drastically changed and hardened against everyone. Throws herself into her alpha training and only focuses on that while a certain Alpha is looking for her.............

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