Chapter 18 part 2

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Leaving Venus to occupy herself outside, we follow the elf girl, Kata, into her home. Immediately I can understand why she isn't too happy with her situation. I have little time to take in our surroundings before my ears are bombarded with the sound of people arguing, rather loudly I might add. The sound of a child crying also reaches us, before we hear a smash, as if glass has been thrown. My heart speeds up.

Upon hearing the smashing glass, Kata mutters, "I'll kill the bastards," fists clenched. Eros pushes past me and follows her lead, apparently now more irritated at the fighting going on in the next room.

We are lead into a living room with minimal furniture, most of it being soft, earthy colours. Normally these tones would be quite calming, but the atmosphere is extremely heavy. Alec is stood closest to the doorway, fangs bared and looking close to transforming completely, so I quickly look away. His sister opposes him by the window, standing defensively.

That's when I notice the bundle in her arms, crying out and pushing against her.

In that moment, I don't care that I'm afraid. I don't care that I'm in a room filled with clearly angry supernatural creatures that are a thousand times stronger than I am. I find myself stepping forwards towards my sister.


Becca's bright purple eyes find mine, her snarl now directed at me. My head is pounding and I have to hold in a shiver, but I still continue slowly forward. Multiple people are watching us at this point as Becca growls lowly.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" her voice has a raspy edge to it.

I stop walking, unsure of how to answer. All I know is that she has my sister in her arms, and that Emily is frightened. Judging by the way Becca is sneering at me, it doesn't look like she'll be willing to let me hold my sister anytime soon.

Kata takes an offensive step forward, planting herself confidently between the two siblings. I take a quick glance around, noticing everyone quietly watching the two women's stand-off, even Alec, who seems to have regained a little control. He meets my gaze, an apology written on his face.

"Let the child go, Becca. I've had enough of this shit already," Kata crosses her arms, scowling as Becca makes no move to release Emily.

"I don't take orders from you."

Kata's hand reaches for a dagger at her belt, but before she has chance to withdraw it, Eros's deep voice sounds beside me as he clears his throat. This causes an almost instantaneous change in Becca's posture, her eyes finding the fey Prince's. She grins widely, but her eyes remain intimidatingly dark, the shade of purple bold against her pale skin. She waltzes towards Eros, practically dripping in pride as she hands my sister over to him and gives me a snide sideways glance.

Something tells me she doesn't know he's pissed with her.

Eros takes Emily from her, now taking the beating from the clearly aggravated child. He just stands their wordlessly staring at Becca, an unreadable and worryingly calm expression on his face. This causes her to become hesitant having evidently expected some kind of positive reaction, or just any reaction at all.

The Prince slowly takes a few steps back, his eyes never leaving Becca's as the rest of us become steadily more confused by how the scene is playing out between them. We all watch intently as he lowers himself down, loosening his grip on my sister, all while keeping complete eye contact with the girl in front of him.

Emily wastes no time running to me, tripping herself on the way and practically throwing herself at me while her sobs fill the room. Without thinking, I find myself on my knees in front of her, her head buried in my chest and my arms wrapped around her. I know I haven't always been the most attentive or understanding big sister, but right now, I'd give anything to take all the fear away.

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