Chapter 14 part 1

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Venus, the beautiful bird I've since learned is a phoenix, stirs in her sleep, making a sound that resembles a groan.

We are currently outside, lying in the shadowed clearing, doing nothing.

I wish something would happen.

It's been 4 days since Venus first turned up. Whoever sent the note with her must have had some trouble, but nobody here knows anything. At least that's what they've told me.

What makes the whole situation worse is the constant boredom. I've had barely any interaction with any of the others, save for a single discussion with Eros while I helped to clean his wound. For a brief time I felt like maybe I could get to know him a little better, perhaps find something beneath the cocky exterior, but as it turns out I was utterly mistaken. He avoided any personal questions like the plague, either diverting the topic or shutting down completely, not bothering to speak. This was particularly awkward, since he just kept watching me inquisitively, his eyes calculating. What he was trying to decipher I have no clue. I mean, I'm not that complicated, I just don't won't to bend to his every desire. He might be a prince but he isn't my prince.

We didn't speak much after that. I get the idea that he's avoiding me, not that there's any indication why. Hence, I have been left to contemplate our 'chat' by myself, for four days, since everyone else here seems suddenly incapable of socialising.

To be honest I'm starting to worry. When since did I, the town's resident hermit, start to desire company? That alone seems much more strange to me than the sudden revelation of supernatural creatures.

It wouldn't be so bad if I actually knew what was happening. When Eros handed me the rather obscure note, I thought he was doing it to be nice since I saved his ass. When I asked him anything about it however, he took pleasure out of dismissing me; smirking, as always. I suspect he only gave it to me in the first place because Becca had irritated him too while in her mood. He wouldn't even tell me when I sucked up to him for an hour, despite how painful it was to be nice. Ungrateful little shit.

Even after constant begging, Alec and Kellen won't say anything that Eros doesn't want me to know, and despite having apologized to me, Becca is still being more of a nuisance than help. She probably only apologized because Alec told her to, which pisses me off almost as much as being kept in the dark. Again.

Hence, why I am alone with a mildly psychotic bird, wallowing in boredom and self pity.

Ah, the joy.

Venus stirs again, this time fully waking. Her tired yellow eyes flutter open as she lifts her head.

Yawning, start to lay back, only to have her interrupt my relaxed state. Her head snaps to the right, her back going rigid and her wings tensing. I push myself into a sitting position, sighing. This isn't the first time something like this has happened; Kellen keeps disturbing her while in his wolf form. I think he's hunting. He could eat normally, but Alec told me that since he's young, Kellen must be in his wolf form every now and then to help get used to the pain. I just wish he'd be a little quieter.

Venus stands, coming in front of me and shielding me with her wing. I peer around, scanning for Kellen but keeping a cautionary hand on the chakram strapped to my belt. He must have got closer this time to disturb her like this.

As expected, his wolf pokes out from between the trees, stood in the shadows. Chuckling, I stand up, placing a hand between Venus's wings and rubbing her spine gently. "See, it's only Kellen."

She won't relax, still holding a defensive posture.

Brows drawn together, I step out from behind her, my hand still grazing her feathers. Kellen, mostly hidden by shadows, growls deeply. It is a low, gravelly sound.

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