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[ The times when I stand tall on a high bridge. I took in the name, willingly or not. ]


Time-skip: Age 23

Location: Hometown, Korea

The full moon. Occurrence of the wholly one isn't common. Above high of all land, the aglowing symbol attains everyone's sky-shot. It stands tall and high with the dark nature it holds. Glistening the gloomy night, a view that everyone loves. The moon is a rhythm of time, only once would you ever see it whole—their true self. So treasure it. Admire it. Cause it would ever be once that you would see delicacy of the moon.


Wisp of the beating air ran through the bright dark night. Carefree of the brunette to be out at midnight, enjoying the view. Cries of the blustery filled the secluded bridge. Leaning onto the rails, she stared deep into the glossy shining beauty.

"It's already been four years huh..." barely a whisper out of her mouth.

'The way the hue of soft dark blue easen me a bit... I remember it was a beautiful day.'

'Rejecting the offer wasn't a hard decision. I knew it in the back of my mind and yet...'

"Well, it's all in the past I suppose," a grim look met her face, "I can't say if I regret it or not..."

Silence that buried both the streets and the brown-eye's mind. Darkness overwhelmed both.

"It was as if the more I stayed, the more I wanted the same comfort from my family..." diving down the deep dark stream "...At least that's what I thought back then."

Ripples of frustration builded as a hard grip on her hair was felt, "And yet I became a businesswoman... Hoping to receive the same love and support."

"I wonder how Hoshi's doing... She's always doing great..." her eyes glinted with admiration, loosening the grasp.

"I remember how much I looked up to her..." looking down at the river, "Seeing how she got known in the family. I always wondered how she did it..." a weak chuckled she did, "And yet all she does is the same... Following our parent's footsteps..."

"I wonder what made me so different; different from her." envy that surrounded her.

"...I needed their acceptance. I felt the need to be wanted. The day of approval that shows my acceptance to them, will finally be the last of rusting chains that sink me down..." "And yet here I am, drowning again," she voiced it all out.

"How blind I was, a fucking fool." controverting with herself, "The naiveness of me back then... I couldn't be any more blind to see that they couldn't care less."

Old tapes that piled under, somehow the deck was still working.

"It's not like they changed. Heck, I didn't even change," the bail of the bucket slackened, "I felt like I wasn't allowed to... The name that marked me theirs, I never thought that I could've escaped their laid-out path. I didn't even consider it..." her head laid low.

"I had given up..." she let out a heavy sigh, "I didn't even care how it would go... If it meant for their affection..."

"A stable job... A stable life... I should be grateful shouldn't I?" it sounded like a plead, "Then why...?"

"Why do I feel so... unsatisfied?" she wished for an answer, "Was it because I couldn't get the attention of my parents'? Was it because I wasted all my years for nothing?"

"...Then why?" letting go of her hair, she teared her head off from her reflection.

"Why do I feel like a piece of crap?" she cried out in pain; scratching her throat at the back.

"Either of the choices was fine," she questioned the grey above, "It was fine!"

An unwavering feeling she had avoided these years, it was finally tipping the bucket, "I don't understand this shitty feeling I have right now!"

"No one told me shit! And I can't find the answer to it..." despair in her voice, silence erupted her painful yells. The wind stopped.

"I just... don't know anymore," shuddering, "It's like we're back to square one."

The night of the full-moon, passerbys walked along the road. Excitement they spoke as scatters of people sauntered. Standing alone, in the groups of people passing. Crossing the bridge, heading home they were. Centre of the river she stood in, behind was where the chatter was. "Is this what you call talking to the moon?" resisting the urge to snicker,

"More like talking to myself." the cool breeze wafted her loneliness.

The heels of footsteps stopped, she was now alone, again.

"Is this the end...?" brown eyes survey over the moon, "Of course not... I still have a life to live..."

A coarse breathe she let out. But it wasn't enough.

The hours that left her hidden behind the looping pictures, or should I say—videos. It had her rusting in the past, leaving her a doll in the future. The women before you wanted to change—but she couldn't. She might be the yellow princess that every kid reads, but as the title says, the regretfulness never fades.

Standing in her pit of deject, a daily life the other people had. Faces of joy, loud chatter. Nothing could be left uttered, she wouldn't even know doing so. The only visible sounds were a couple and the wavelets of the river. Tsuki stared at her reflection—the moon.

"It was such a lovely time today, the view here is great," the women of the couple said.

"Oh, have you heard? This is a famous spot for watching the full-moon. There was even an old rumour for it..." told the male, "Oh! I remember now, it went something like this..."

"Over the bridge, there's a lake. Reflecting a figure, that is so glassy and frail."

A tear was shed into the lake.


❝ I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was a liar to the end. ❞

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