Chapter 8 - Magical Mercury

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It's been half a day since I had that dream... no... reality check. Nothing really changed. I was in my room, looking at the watch my Master sent me when,


My senses immediately flared as it pointed towards Luvia's Mansion. That's when the watch glowed to reveal . . . a floating heptagon shaped star. 

Mercury: Good evening, Master. My name is Magical Mercury. I have been sent by Creator Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg to inform you about the events that were and are happening right now.

I looked at the floating star before pinching the bridge of my nose. My Master has done a lot of things before. Sending me to a zombie-infested city, sending me to another universe, but this is one of the anticlimactic things he had ever sent me.

Shirou: Alright, Mercury. Would you please explain everything? I mean, EVERYTHING.

And that's what it did. The Class Cards, Kuro's existence, Bazett Fraga McRemitz, and the Miyuverse. I frowned in annoyance after knowing what my 11-year-old sisters are doing.

Mercury: Master, I have been instructed by my Creator to inform you of this message. "If you save them now, they would not learn and will fail their roles. You are changing the future right now. It would lead to unidentified variables. I recommend you to stay low until the final fight before interfering, my Apprentice".

I twitched my eye in frustration.

Shirou: . . . Fine. Just this once. I'll let it slide for now. But if they are fighting something even more dangerous, I will intervene.

Mercury: That's perfectly fine, Master. 

I sighed as I laid on my bed.

Shirou: So, what can you do?

Mercury: I have 3 skills. Skill 1 allows me to disguise Master into anything you imagine. Skill 2 is Presence Concealment B. Skill 3 is a Prana Battery, about 5 minutes worth of your [Reality Marble]. I have no Passive Skills like my sisters, cause my Creator hastily made me. Basically, I am a fake version of the Kaleidosticks. 

Shirou: *chuckles* Ironic, isn't it? Both of us are fakers.

Mercury: It is, Master. Yes, it is.




Shirou: ... Was that a Noble Phantasm? 

Mercury: *looks away* Maybe...

Shirou: Bullshit! I felt that dammit it! They're fighting using Noble Phantasms?!

I want to help. I really want to. But I have to wait until the right moment too. I gripped my table tightly as multiple explosions keep happening. 

After a while, things quieted down. Then,

Illya/Kuro: I'm home...

I went down to see them all dirty and battered, looking tired.

I went down to see them all dirty and battered, looking tired

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