im here

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I'm so ready that a little part of me is scared. i just put my leather black skinny jeans my i don't give a fu*k red with black letters croup top and my construction tan Tims and walk my butt that managed to grow 3 times bigger into my new. black SUV that my grandpa just bought me for my collection of three.

and drives to Renton high school once I arrived you won't guess who approached me devonte my ex.

"hey Paris you look sexy but then again you always do" "thanks love" I replied not even trying to entertain him and why blame me i caught him last year at our spring dance making out with Jennifer a ugly low life girl.

but if that's what he's into then fine why waste my I walked in a pure excitement rush went through me as I spotted Jhonni

. "Hey sexy i say as I playfully slap his butt. "hey babe he says scooping me up off my feet to give me a big hug like in mall. "babe "i say flirty" i didn't know I was your babe is there something your not telling me" "no there's not your mine if you want to be" he said half shy and half cocky.

"oh i want to be as long as your single" "come on Paris you know I am single he said grabbing me from the back "do i do i realy" "Paris stop playing you know how i feel about you" "no i don't this is the first time you brought this up" " ok then Paris let me show my feelings and take you out on Thursday night to the movies and dinner or we could do something else "he said slapping my butt. "that hurts" "ok sexy see you later don't want my babe to be late on the first day" "ok just text me" I say. "ok Paris" Jhonni said.

i stroll down the hall looking for Alison to tell what just happen when devonte pops up and I have to admit he looked good but I wasn't going to try that this year he broke my heart. he's philipeno tall and sexy with the hottest comb over you don't even know.

"Paris I'm I mistaken or were u just flirting with Jhonni" "no your not devonte i don't mess with you know more remember" "devonte hey over here" "hey look i don't want hard feelings but why don't you go over to Jennifer shes calling you " "fine Paris play dumb but I know you still have feelings for me" and he was right it still was fresh to me but I didn't want him to know so i just said " ok because you can't get it through your mind "

as I walk away he grabs my arm "I'm serious I won't wait forever so be smart
" "get off me "i say as I pull away but he wouldn't let go until Jhonni ran over like superman and I was in distress "get off her man "he said as he shoved him." fine but I'm for real Paris so make. your choice fast".

I found Alison lingering by josh and was totally shocked by what happened next she planted on right on his lips and I mean full on making out. "Alison"i yelled "What!!" she yelled slightly annoyed "oh hey Paris " she said excited . she tackled me on to the floor thats how excited she was. "Alison there's so much I have to tell you you don't even know and it was all today" as I was giving her a run down on our way to class we run into the evil bi*ch Bella and let me tell you we were ok until I saw her for her true colors

a fake ass friend thats what she was alright a faf and she seemed proud to have that title ."hey Paris how was your Summer" Bella said like she didn't even want to talk at all." save it Bella and stop acting like you actually give a fu*ck for once " Alison said mad as he'll "um was I talking to you I think not" " maybe not but she was talking to you" I said like i was bout to fight.

"you know let's go Alison shes not worth our time.

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