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as me and Alison walk away from Queen faf we run into Rosalyn"hey girl what you been up to " i managed to say with a slightly decent country accent. "you know the usual" she replied.

Rosalyn came back totally transformed and not that kind when sweet Sally goes to summer and comes back goth s not Sally. no Rosalyn came back thinner,short hair,makeup,and eyebrows and lip on fleek and her clothes were on point,

no get this straight Rosalyn is one of my mains and I love her so don't think I'm Haten on her. and the look works for her. "i saw you with jhonni at the mall last week you messenger with that"? "girl you know to much i don't even know out relationship cuz all of a sudden he trying to be real cute" "girl you better claim that before i do she yelled so every one could her i hate when my friends do that I swear they do it on propose .

"oh he'll no you know I like him and what happen to Darrick" "girl we broke up one month ago" "ahh I'm sorry " "it's all good i found he messing around with joseline" "oh well what can we do" I said.

"let's just keep waking to class Rosalyn are you coming " Alison blurted. "yeah girl I'm comming".as they went ahead i scooped out the hall looking for Jhonni but I couldn't manage to see over the big crowd of traffic

"Good morning class "mr.roscher yelled of our loud class trying to catch up."can I have your attention please" everyone went silent "now i only have a few rules i don't ask a lot so if you just follow my directions then well be just fine".

class went on boring like most do we just watched a video until the bell ring. the same happen for every class until 4th period . lunch its was worst then the halls everyone cuts and and fights over seats. I went right to my usual table with Rosalyn,alison,Carrie and waited for the rest of my friends.

I was eating and talking about guys and clothes when jhonni comes and grabs my waste and kisses my check I blushed so much I had to pretend to duck my face."ohhhh" the loud symphony of my friends made. jhonni takes his new claimed seat by me.

then when no ones looking he whispers in my ear so close I could feel the warmth of his breath on my ear say "do want to get a jump on our feelings and ditch the rest of school" there was slight doubt but he some how per swayed me "sure" i whispered back

as we walk hand and hand out the door we take his 1994 black mustang to a empty lot in Seattle somewhere.when we stopped there was a dead silence between us until he breaks it by saying"paris i really like you I've just been waiting for my chance to make a move and when you and devonte broke up i thought it was perfect"."look i like you to but I'm just scared to get hurt again" "I will never hurt you he says getting closer with every word just take a chance he says leaning in for a kiss.

his lips felt like sweet cotton candy and tasted like honey,what started out as soft kisses turned heavy. when I broke away I had to gasp for air but then just felt a rush and went back in he was gentle and nice. which I enjoyed. when we ended he drove me too a beach to see the orange and purple sunset.

and once the sky feel dark we kissed once more to say good night as he brought me to my car. the whole experience made me just glow as I reminisce the day on my way home.

once I get home i go straight to my room . 21 unread messages 5missed calls my phone glowed all from hm friends wondering where I was . but of corse those were remained a mystery as I scrolled down i run into Jhonnis,hey that was fun and I really do like you I decided I would just leave that one to .

I love you I thought to my self.
the next day I walked right into school. but you'll never guess who greeted me.

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