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you will never guess who greatest me devonte. "I say you and Jhonni sneak out of school yesterday what exactly were you guys up to" "ain't nothing you should worry about you know I don't have feelings for you" even though deep down I still love him, but I just can't be with him no more i gave him to many chances and frankly I was done.

"don't be like that. i still love you Paris please just forgive me"

"sorry i just can't you should thought of that...... before you cheated"

after that I decided it was best if I just leave

"hey Paris where you disappear to" Rosalyn and Alison asked as I approached them.

"I left no where"

"sure Kelly said she saw you and your new man walking hand and hand to his car and then driving away"

Crap I thought I'm busted. "okay you got me I left with Jhonni"

"tell us everything they practically yelled at me"

"oh nothing really happen just we had our first kiss" I tried to play it off but really inside me I was still doing back flips for joy.

" um did you just say nothing happen i don't think thats nothing u freakin kissed him"

"it's really not a big deal "

"yes it is paris!!!!"

"fine Alison" i gave up with them they are so stubborn sometimes.

we just walk in silence until bella comes

"um Rosalyn why the hell were you talking about me and ignoring me for angel"

"um bella why I talk about you act like i dont have life and frankly your not even worth talking about so nice try better luck next time mabey someone will eventually give a crap about you"

"so why don't you leave with your ugly ass fake nails" I replied

we just go through her and walk to my locker because I forgot to do my homework and thought I could just do it in the next class I have because its only art.

"hey babe"

"hey Jhonni " Alison and Rosalyn chorused .

"oh hey girls didn't see you there"

" oh corse not you were only interested in Paris you guy going to kiss again it's ok we don't mind"

"oh so you heard mabey we show them he said looking at me want a preview girls"

"yeah just kiss"

"um no we just started doing what ever this is that you call it and I don't think they need to see we've only kissed once an way"

"actually it was 2 times but we could make it three"

"I don't know"I can't we were actualy discussing in front of my two best friends if I should kiss Jhonni and I really did just not infront of them.

my thought was interrupted we he he grabs me and gives me a kiss on lips all though our lips only locked it still made me blush and tingle inside.

when he broke away I was speechless

"OMG" they said for me almost like they knew what I was thinking.

i just look up at him still in shock that he would do that

"it's ok " Jhonni whispered then came in for a hug.

they rest of school went slow.
as I waited for rose my neighbor to drive me back home because I didn't want to drive that day .

"hey princess you need a ride" "no devonte"

"fine your loss"

" Paris wait up both me and devonte looks up and to our surprise it was Jhonni "

"hey Jhonni " I said with a sexy tone in my vioce.

"you need a ride home" he asked almost to sweet

"sure but let me text my friend first"

"sorry nig*a she ridden with me" devonte said so rude.

"um no I ain't" I yelled .

"come on Jhonni "

"let's go Paris " he said as he put his arm around me without looking back.

as I put my seat belt on he asked "so where you want go "


"you don't have a curfew do you"

"unfortunately I do its 9:45 on week days and midnight or a sleep over on weekends "

"okay okay I see its good actually because it shows how loved you are"

"okay I guess " I say sly.

"okay where do want to go"

"idk surprise me"

"surprise it is"

it was a long drive or it was just cuz I was tired because I feel asleep on the way there

as I wake we were stopped a drive in view for mt.Rainier and just talked for what seemed like hours and to top it off we kissed and I could feel his hand sliding on my thigh slowly as our kiss deepened .

"wait I said I've never done that before and don't want to right now I mean we just started and I don't want to ruin things and I'm not even your girlfriend yet you haven't asked me

"ok its fine i won't rush you if your not ready"

i swear he just keeps getting better and better.

as we drive home my song comes on,fine china , "thats my song" i say turning it up and singing

"Paris your vocals a re so beautiful just like you"

"thanks i say " i check my phone just to see if anyone called and to make sure I was on time and to my surprise its only7:30 "what do want to eat anything you want because I don't want to send you back hungry i just stop for chipotle and eat on my way home

"thank you for everthing" I say after he drops me off "this was nice " and then I lean in for a good bye kiss and hug.

"where've you been my brothers come at me and say who was that is that devonte you guys got back together"

"no it was not and why do you care where have you been" i remarked sassy

the next day Jhonni wasn't there nor the next until Thursday out date

"hey where have you been Jhonni "

"sick baby sorry but i came just for our date"

ok I'll pick you up later i say"

"sure thing doll "

"ok at 4:35" on the dot whats your address"

"ill text it to you later but I gotta go home first see you later" he said then find he'd with a kiss.

sometimes I wish I saved the kiss for our first date when he dropped me off but I guess its fine.

I rush home today and take a quick shower and a makeup and then straighten my hair so just because I felt like being fancy tonight.

so I topped it off with a knee height black tight skirt which complimented my butt perfectly and then a crop top back tee that matched and then to make that outfit better i wore a floral blue cardigan.

as I pull up to his house.

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