First thing

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as I pull up to Jhonnis house .

He Greets me with a hug and a kiss "hey "I say "we should get going"

"ok but I'm driving"

"but its my car i say " that night I was driving my white range rover 2011.

"yeah I know and I could of swore you had a black jeep"

"I know I have three cars my last one is a tan expedition that usually shocks people"

"look if you rather just park your car and I drive then thats fine"

"that's fine i say"

as we drive off we end up passing the theater that were supposed to go to.

"umm we passed the theater"

"oh yea I guess we did"
he said with a smirk on his face that kinda surprises me because I didn't know we're we were actually going

"were are we going"

"you'll see"

as we arrive at Alki beach I was starting to realize a pattern that he likes to go to the beach but I didn't mind because it was still warm because the summer was seeming to leave the weather with us so far this year.

"so you like beaches huh"


"they calm me down and help me think" he replies .


"yea so we should go now before we miss the sunset"


as we get out the car I notice a box that he quickly tried to hide so I wouldn't see. but I decided to just keep it to my self.

as we get the beach we sad on the black and blue blanket he brought and right before the sunset he brings out the box and exposes it to me and says

"I got you something I hope you like it"

as I open the box it was a necklace that said Jhonni and Paris forever carved on the heart pendant.

I start to get a tears building up in my eyes

"this is so sweet no one has ever given me anything like that "

"Paris will you be my girlfriend"

even though I wasn't trying to rush things I got this feeling that u could trust him so.

the words just flew out my mouth"of course thank you so much "

"your welcome he whispers when he leans in for a kiss"

then to slow things down a hug .

"we should go and get some food"

"were are we going" .

"oh just a quiet Italian resturant"

"ok" I say with delite

as we drive the restaurant was on the beach with a beautiful view it had a big leafy tunnel leading in side draped with lights and roses

"this is so cute I said trying to hold my voice but it slipped out"

"I know "

as we get inside we take a seat by the bay window

"so where did you hear about this place"

"believe it or not but Ralph told me about this place and when I saw it I thought that it was perfect"

"that's weird I didn't think he was like that"

"yeah he is"


as we eat I felt like there was someone staring and when I looked up I saw Jhonni looking and not taking his eyes off.

"is there something on my face was my first reaction".

"no your face is perfect he said"

"thanks " but I got this feeling that he was going to be one of those Klingon boyfriends.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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