t e n + 8

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t e n + 8

Artie: Hey

Artie: Atleast tell me why are you upset?

Artie: Please

Casey: You called Nate a freak, insulted him.

Artie: Oh so this is about your new boyfriend.

Artie: Are you dating him bubbles?

Casey: That's none of your concern

Artie: Well it is! I took you on a date that Friday. I've always liked you.

Casey: What are you talking about? You don't know anything about 'Liking someone'

Artie: You've changed.

Casey: Well good you realised.

Artie: I'm sorry Casey, this is confusing for me too.

Casey: It's alright Artie, we'll work this out :)

Casey: Nate, I'm sorry if I did something wrong. Please talk to me
Saved to Draft 10:48 p.m.

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