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i had woken up in masons strong arms from the night before i felt so at peace, i sat there admiring his features until i saw his eyes slowly open
"morning beautiful" he whispered
"morning" i said as i got up to go make breakfast
mason laid there for a bit whilst i made breakfast

i was in the middle of making breakfast until i heard tip toes down the stairs i ignored it until i felt mason behind me hugging me, he had planted a kiss on my neck whilst the breakfast was cooking i turned my full attention to him and hugged him tight and my head resting on his chest i heard his heart beat and we just sat there in comfortable silence.

we had finished breakfast and i was doing my hair until i saw mason in the mirror admiring me , I patted on the bed for him to sit there, he sat there "so what do you need" i questioned, "well today i invited the boys and their wags to come if that's okay" he said "of course what time" "around 2:30" i tapped my phone to look at the time and it was 1:30 , i finished my makeup and hair and mason helped me pick out an outfit and i took a photo of myself

we had finished breakfast and i was doing my hair until i saw mason in the mirror admiring me , I patted on the bed for him to sit there, he sat there "so what do you need" i questioned, "well today i invited the boys and their wags to come if tha...

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𝐈𝐕𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐑𝐎𝐄 lion hair today ♥️



𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 god i am lucky 🤍
𝐈𝐕𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐑𝐎𝐄 im even luckier , love you♥️

𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐑𝟕𝟐𝟖𝟐𝟗 😍😘

𝐌𝐌𝟏𝟗𝐅𝐏 you and mason are a power couple

eventually everyone arrived arrived , we was doing just dance and of course the girls won them the boys played fifa whilst the girls made more snacks, "we should play truth or dare" Jordan P said we all looked at each other and agreed "ivy , truth or dare ?" Maguire asked me "uhmm truth"
"Oo ! Let me ask" Becca said "do you ever want to have kids and get married to mason" i looked at mason who was sitting next to me with his arm around my waist "well i would like to , i feel like he is the one" i said whilst blushing , mason gave me a peck on the forehead and pulled me into a tighter hug whilst my head rested on his shoulder , the game went on and some juicy stuff happened , feelings were confessed and questions were asked that we never got an answer to "mason you haven't been asked yet , truth or dare" raheem said , "ill go with dare" he said confidently "ok umm, i dare you to kiss ivy and sit on her lap the rest of the game" , mason had kissed me and i still got butterflies like i was some 13 year old obsessing over high school crush , i don't know if I liked the feeling but i knew I was in love at least , all the boys chanted mason on and i blushed and hurried my neck into masons chest.

eventually all the boys and their wags left and it was only me and mason , it was around 10:30 and we both decided to go upstairs "race you" i challenged on mason to race me up the stairs we got changed and mason sat on his phone whilst I was laying on his chest scrolling through Instagram "ivy" he said seriously I knew that whenever he said my name it was never good , "yes ?" I asked "did you really mean what you said , that im the one?" He questioned "Of course I did why did you think I was being fake about it ?" I replied "no it's just that i wasn't really sure about your answer" he said "oh well i 100% meant it i love u more than anything mason id be willing to start a family whenever as long as your ready and it's with you" i smiled "ivy omg i love you" he said whilst wiping his tears away "mason no don't cry silly!!" I sat up and wiped them away , we turned our phones off to watch love island and just admire each other's presence.

love island had finished and he turned the tv off and just pillow talked about stupid stuff like "if your waiting for your meal , does that make you the waiter" or "is tap waters flavour temperature?" we kept giggling about this random stuff that we just loved and it made me feel so at peace and have so much trust in him , we could laugh about things that no one else would laugh about or cry at random things in a film or have jokes that no one else would get.

during the night i kept stirring until i was wide awake , i checked the time on my phone and was blinded by the light and thousands of notifications "shit i forgot to text the group chat and tell them thank you for coming" i thought i wasn't gonna leave it until tomorrow so i decided to do it now even though it was 3:30am

                           𝐈𝐕𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐄
                                      declan 🍚
                                    pickford 🥅
                                  top blaster ♥️
                                  little phillipa x
                                  greal deal ⚽️
                                      + others

thanks for letting us come
round today @ivy @mason x

yeh proper lovely me n
sash enjoyed it xx

had so much fun
thank you both 🥰🥰x

thank you bec loved
meeting you i had loads
of fun loved t or d x

phil your not 10
lmfao 😭

lmaoo 😭. yeah anyways
loved having u
all round mase n me
are knackered
sorry it's so late xx

i turned my phone off after sending that text i think mason finally clocked i was awake , i saw his phone light up and knew that the text had gone through , he started stroking my hair and gave me a light peck on my head , i smiled and rubbed his chest , he's such a sweetheart , i didn't go to sleep straight away as i realised that I never officially moved in with mason and that he could practically kick me out right now , id thank him tho i mean look at him he's so gorgeous , i decided that id talk to him tomorrow about it there was no point worrying about it now as he's hardly awake anyway i rubbed up and down the side of his body and slowly drifted off to sleep , how can one man make me feel like this ?.

note :
i just wanted to let you all know i won't be writing any smut all my story's will include is just kissing so you might get robbed a lot, I'll be writing longer chapters tho !!

word count :
1119 <3

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