Elena and Davina were both sitting across the isle in the chruch. Davina on one side with Elijah Marcel and Rebekah. Elena on the otherside with Sierra, Henrick. Freya Klaus Hayley and Hope.

Hope got up first she went to the stand."Some people never find love in their life. My uncle has had his share ofadventures lets just be honest everyone here knows that he was an original that he was one of the ones to fear. Who would have ever thought he would find love but he did not just once but twice. With two different woman and they are both here today. Who he met first was scared of commitment every relationship she seen falling apart every marriage but she did always want the promise of kids. The other who he met later who he ended up marrying 9 years ago who wanted love but never wanted anything more. Never wanted a family of her own. He leaves behind two girls who he loved so much neither knew of the other. But i know that he loved the both of them very much. He has a daughter 5 Sierra Miranda-Freya Mikaelson a son 2 Henrick Grayson-Nik Mikaelson and a baby on the way. Some may think that the other never knew because he was a good liar. That is sort of true but as one of the people who had knew i know that it was because he truly did love them both and couldn't decide between either so kept both. He was known as the wildest of all but he never thought that he would get a chance at anything. He thought he would never get a family of his own. And he did he proved that even the bad guy can find love. We all aren;t immortal with the promise of leaving forever. I am known as the most powerful being alive my dad once had the same title as did my uncles and aunts. Anyone of us can die anyone of our lives can end. Because none of us are truly immortal and i know that everyone who knew who my uncle truly was is feeling a tremendous loss. I sure am he could talk anyone into doing anything. I ask that everyone be mindful of the five year old and 2 year old who are not quite grasping what is going on yet." Hope went back to her seat where Hayley was trying to calm her.

Freya got up and went to the Mic."If you don't have anything nice to say please don't say anything at all first up will be his wife Davina Claire-Mikaelson."

Davina got up and went to the stand."I had a whole entire speech prepared but things changed I love him i always will no matter what i learned today none of that is going to change. Because no matter what neither of us noticed and some would call us stupid or slow. Or that he was just good at playing people thats not true. Maybe my husband did live two different lives with two different woman. But that doesn't change the fact that he was there he knew his priorities and maybe now i understand why his family was so secretive or the fact that they complained that he was never around. He was a good person with a hard life and sometimes you do love more than one person and thats ok. I don't know what will happen if he ever comes back besides he has some explaining to do. He was never truly excepted by his family i didn't know anything of his past. His family used him continously and he never stopped them. He always wanted his family to treat him like they do the others but i don't ever see that happen. He was the black sheep of the family for a reason" Davina went and sat down as Freya took the podium again.

"Next will be the girlfriend Elena Gilbert"

Elena got up even if she didn't want to and went to the stand to speak."I had a whole speech two i met him when i was 17 at a party his mother threw trying to take them out. She needed my blood which i gave her at the time cause i wanted his brother to pay for killing my aunt and mother. I danced with him that night and i knew there was something different about him i warned him and we started talking from there. One of my last day of being human before his sister pushed me off a bridge he asked me what i wanted most in life. I said i never wanted to be married because most end horrible i just wanted kids. I wanted to be a mother my brother killed him and i haven't talked to them since. 7 years ago he found me again after thinking i was dead. I never thought that anything was up i took the potion i got pregnant with my daughter. Maybe he was good at decieving people maybe he accidentally fell for two people it doesn't matter at this point. I love him and i always will nothing can change that. His wife is right he will have some explaining to do. I'm emotional and honestly ten minutes ago i wanted to flee town with my kids.  Whatever type of man he was i know one thing he was a good father no matter what he was there. He did know his priorities which a lot of men still don't. He fell into something and he handled it to the best he could. Despite what his family thought because lets face it half of them turn there back on him all the time." She went and sat down and took her son into her lap.

"That honestly went better then expected the pastor will finish and then he will go into the Mikaelson crypt until my niece can figure out a way to bring him back."

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